Home News Oklahoma What is Palestinian Islamic Jihad? Israel blames group for Gaza hospital blast

What is Palestinian Islamic Jihad? Israel blames group for Gaza hospital blast

What is Palestinian Islamic Jihad? Israel blames group for Gaza hospital blast

Israel has blamed Palestinian Islamic Jihad for a perilous blast at a hospital in Gaza City Tuesday night time.

Hundreds of other people have been reported killed within the explosion at al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City, which the Israel Defense Forces mentioned was once brought about by way of a failed rocket release by way of the group. Two U.S. officers additionally instructed ABC News the Pentagon independently concluded the blast was once most probably brought about by way of an errant Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket that fell in need of its goal.

A satellite tv for pc symbol taken on Oct. 18, 2023, of the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza (highlighted), within the aftermath of the explosion that came about the day prior.

2023 Maxar Technologies

Palestinian officers in the meantime are claiming it was once the results of an Israeli airstrike.

Like Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad is a Gaza militant group concerned within the struggle and has claimed to have taken Israelis hostages. Here’s what to understand concerning the group.

What is Islamic Jihad?

Palestinian Islamic Jihad was once shaped within the Nineteen Eighties in keeping with Israel’s profession of Gaza. The radical Islamist motion was once based by way of Palestinian Fathi Shaqaqi, who was once assassinated in 1995, and impressed by way of the Iranian revolution.

Since its founding, the armed group has grown to be the second-largest militant group within the Gaza Strip and receives give a boost to from Iran, Syria and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, in line with the U.S. govt’s National Counterterrorism Center.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad supporters take part in an anti-Israel rally marking the thirty sixth anniversary of the motion’s basis in Gaza City, Oct. 6, 2023.

Majdi Fathi/NurPhoto by the use of Getty Images

The group is “committed to the destruction of Israel,” and its army wing, al-Quds Brigades, “has been responsible for many attacks on Israeli targets since the 1990s,” the National Counterterrorism Center mentioned.

Islamic Jihad vs. Hamas

Both Islamic Jihad and Hamas are militant teams running in Gaza which can be united of their resistance towards Israel. Both also are funded by way of and feature shut ties to Iran, despite the fact that serve as independently, in line with the Council on Foreign Relations, a New York City-based unbiased suppose tank.

Like Hamas, Islamic Jihad has been designated a international 15 may organization by way of the U.S. and the European Union. Islamic Jihad, the smaller of the 2, is thought to be to be extra excessive and is singularly dedicated to combating Israel, whilst Hamas additionally has sociopolitical purposes because the governing frame of Gaza.

Islamic Jihad’s reputation has declined in Gaza over its army confrontations and previous failed rocket launches, that have led to Palestinian casualties, in line with the Middle East Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based non-partisan suppose tank. At the similar time, its profile within the West Bank has risen, “in part for attempting to link Gaza to the West Bank but also for its willingness to stand up to Israel, despite taking severe hits,” the institute mentioned final yr.

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