Home News Florida West Park woman smeared feces ‘all over her son’ as ‘punishment,’ deputies...

West Park woman smeared feces ‘all over her son’ as ‘punishment,’ deputies say

West Park woman smeared feces ‘all over her son’ as ‘punishment,’ deputies say


WEST PARK, Fla. – A West Park woman is dealing with an annoyed kid abuse price after deputies accused her of “smearing feces all over her son” as a “form of punishment” for soiling himself, in keeping with courtroom paperwork acquired by way of Local 10 News on Thursday.

According to a Broward Sheriff’s Office arrest record, Tania Contreras, 39, took video of the act and despatched it to her mom in Venezuela. Deputies arrested her Tuesday.

The record states {that a} Florida Department of Children and Families investigator went to Contreras’ house on Ronald Road on May 11 after receiving a tip at the state’s kid abuse hotline.

Contreras equipped the investigator with her cell phone, and the investigator seen the video, which confirmed the boy “with feces on his face, chest and arms,” the record states.

The boy, whose age wasn’t specified, used to be observed at the video crying, a BSO detective wrote.

That detective mentioned Contreras mentioned she “became enraged at her son sitting in his own feces for most of the day without telling her.”

Contreras had instructed the DCF investigator that she was hoping the punishment would get him to “learn not to defecate on himself again.”

Authorities mentioned Contreras additionally admitted to beating her son with a belt — as soon as for exiting her automobile earlier than her as they went grocery buying groceries — and hit him at the head with her cell phone after he broke the display screen.

The record states she instructed detectives that “physical punishment is normal in her home country of Venezuela” however admitted that she “overdid it” by way of smearing feces on her son; she mentioned she believes he didn’t inform her he dirty himself as a result of he used to be “afraid of her.”

“A full report of (her son’s) scars, marks and bruises is pending,” the detective wrote.

Contreras remained within the North Broward Bureau prison facility as of Thursday, hung on a $15,000 bond and an immigration cling.

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