Home Sports MLB - Major League Baseball Wander Franco flip play: Rays shortstop’s theatrics don’t impress Pirates’ Bryan Reynolds

Wander Franco flip play: Rays shortstop’s theatrics don’t impress Pirates’ Bryan Reynolds



On Wednesday’s 8-1 victory over the Pirates, Wander Franco, the famous person Rays shortstop, added a bit little bit of razzle-dazzle to an differently regimen grounder. After exchanging the ball from glove to the naked hand, he mainly flipped it to himself earlier than throwing it to first and caring for the straightforward 6-3 putout to near out the highest of the 7th inning.

All-Star Bryan Reynolds used to be the hitter for the Pirates on that flooring ball, and he used to be requested for his opinion after the sport. Via The Athletic, Reynolds gave a easy verdict: “I saw it. It didn’t impress me.”

A play like that may be polarizing, which brought about it to spark debate on social media. Some folks believed that Franco’s transfer used to be “disrespectful” to the sport and his warring parties, whilst others argued that the sport is supposed for leisure, and if Franco may pull it off, then extra energy to him. If Reynolds did not adore it, he wouldn’t have flooring out, they stated.

It turns out the controversy will proceed to rage on, and reviews will stay divided. Did Franco go the road of recognize, or used to be all of it simply part of the sport being for our leisure? The selection is yours.


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