Home News Oklahoma Wagner mercenary boss suggests Russia may have downed its own military aircraft

Wagner mercenary boss suggests Russia may have downed its own military aircraft

Wagner mercenary boss suggests Russia may have downed its own military aircraft

The head of Russia’s feared Wagner personal military has instructed that 4 Russian military aircraft that reportedly crashed in a area that borders Ukraine may have been shot down through Russia’s own forces

The head of Russia’s feared Wagner personal military instructed Sunday that 4 Russian military aircraft that reportedly crashed in a area that borders Ukraine may have been shot down through Russia’s own forces.

Russian officers have no longer commented on studies in Russian typical and social media that two fighter planes — an Su-34 and an Su-35 — and two military Mi-8 helicopters crashed within the Bryansk area on Saturday.

State news company Tass cited unspecified emergency products and services assets as pronouncing the Su-34 and one helicopter crashed. Other assets, together with Vladimir Rogov, the top of a Russian collaborationist group in Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia province, claimed 4 aircraft went down.

All of them reportedly belonged to the similar military air staff.

During the conflict, cross-border shelling has time and again hit Bryansk, which abuts Ukraine’s Chernihiv and Sumy provinces. Authorities there claimed that unexplained explosions additionally derailed two freight trains and that an armed staff penetrated the area from Ukraine in March and killed two civilians.

The reported crashes elevate considerations about Ukraine’s capacity to hit Russia and about Russia’s military competence.

A spokesman for Ukraine’s air power, Yuriy Ihnat, denied Sunday that Ukraine was once excited by downing the aircraft. In remarks on Ukrainian tv, he instructed that Russia itself may well be accountable, however he later walked again the statement, pronouncing it was once an try at joking.

However, Wagner head Yevgeny Prigozhin presented a identical speculation.

Four planes, — should you draw a circle within the puts in their fall, it seems that this circle has a diameter (and they all lie precisely in a circle) of 40 kilometers (25 miles). … Now move at the Internet and notice what sort of air protection weapon may well be within the middle of this circle, after which construct your own variations,” Prigozhin mentioned on Telegram.

Prigozhin, whose forces are within the thick of a grinding monthslong combat for the town of Bakhmut, clarified that he was once no longer “in the know” concerning the scenario. But he has time and again criticized the Russian military for its technique in Ukraine and for allegedly failing to provide Wagner with the ammunition it wishes in Bakhmut.


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