Home News Florida U. Florida faculty to hold ‘no confidence’ vote over Sasse selection process

U. Florida faculty to hold ‘no confidence’ vote over Sasse selection process

U. Florida faculty to hold ‘no confidence’ vote over Sasse selection process


OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — The University of Florida Faculty Senate drafted a potential vote of no confidence within the selection process of the college’s thirteenth President.

U.S. Senator from Nebraska Ben Sasse was presented as the sole finalist for the job on Oct. 10.

The preamble reads, partly: “The process of the thirteenth Presidential search … has undermined the trust and confidence of the University of Florida Faculty Senate in the selection of the sole finalist Dr. Ben Sasse.”

There is an emergency meeting scheduled for next Thursday, throughout which the faculty senate is scheduled to vote on the decision.

In the draft, the creator states concern that the selection process prevented faculty from studying about different candidates for the job and {that a} requirement of the search prevented different candidates from being prepared to be named as a finalist.

Read the complete assertion beneath


The Faculty Senate of the University of Florida endeavors to work with the Board of Trustees to guarantee the correct succession of the Presidency of the University. In doing so, the Senate should take into account the well-being of all college students, faculty, and workers as well as to the quite a few intensive duties that include being an efficient President of an R1 analysis establishment. The subsequent President ought to come already geared up to lead an establishment of this caliber moderately than aiming to study on the job. Anything much less will end in an absence of religion in management. The process of the thirteenth Presidential search, carried out in accordance with the up to date Florida State Bill 520, has undermined the belief and confidence of the University of Florida Faculty Senate within the selection of the only finalist Dr. Ben Sasse.


Whereas the thirteenth University of Florida Presidential Search was carried out in accordance with SB 520 and a sole finalist was chosen and introduced to the University at giant;

Whereas on the Faculty Senate assembly on the University of Florida on October 20, 2022, Senate members had been knowledgeable that a number of well-qualified candidates who’re leaders at greater schooling establishments had been unwilling to be named as finalists due to the 21-day public notification requirement;

Whereas the selection process has prevented the University of Florida Faculty as a complete from being knowledgeable about different candidates and their {qualifications} for the job;

Whereas the selection process has the potential to trigger vital skilled hurt to well-qualified candidates if their identities are disclosed on the 21-day mark, thus growing the chance {that a} much less appropriate candidate who doesn’t equally worry disclosure will advance;

Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of Florida supplies a vote of NO CONFIDENCE within the selection process of the thirteenth President of the University of Florida.

SEE MORE: Students protest Ben Sasse during University of Florida forums, Sasse defends their free speech rights

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