Home News Texas Three felons followed a man home after a big cash withdrawal

Three felons followed a man home after a big cash withdrawal

Three felons followed a man home after a big cash withdrawal


In North Dallas, a contemporary incident highlights the significance of vigilance. Three armed individuals followed a man from a bank to his residence, making an attempt to rob him. Fortunately, the man escaped, however government at the moment are running to apprehend the suspects. Stay secure and keep alert.

They had a plan! Felons followed a man home after a big cash withdrawl

The safety pictures captured the instant

The man, upon arriving home, spotted an SUV strategically parked, blocking off his driveway. As the 3 assailants emerged from the car, armed with pistols, they approached his automotive. The sufferer impulsively maneuvered his car out of the driveway and sped clear of the unfolding threat.

The group now awaits trends within the ongoing investigation, hoping to carry those unhealthy people to justice.


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