Home News Texas Thousands surround Texas Capitol in support of abortion access | News

Thousands surround Texas Capitol in support of abortion access | News

Thousands surround Texas Capitol in support of abortion access | News

AUSTIN — Anne Sigler, at 88 years previous, mentioned she has been protesting for abortion access since 1954. Her signal this weekend learn: “I am too old for this B.S.”

“I hope (politicians) will leave women’s business to women, for gosh sake,” she mentioned.

Sigler was one of about 10,000 individuals who confirmed as much as the Texas Capitol on Saturday to protest the doable finish to Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court resolution that established a constitutional proper to an abortion. The occasion, one of a number of rallies that occurred throughout the nation, was full of audio system and chants as protesters stood in 95-degree warmth.

Chants ceaselessly included calls to take away elected officers from workplace.

Diana Gomez, advocacy director at Progress Texas and one of the emcees on the occasion, advised CNHI News that she hopes folks not solely perceive that they aren’t alone in the battle for abortion access, but additionally that they should make their voices heard come November.

“One of the most important ways to fight back against people taking away their access to abortion is to elect politicians who are going to unapologetically fight for abortion access,” Gomez mentioned.

Also current Saturday had been a number of Texas Democratic leaders, together with congressional candidate Greg Casar, U.S. Rep. Lyon Doggett and former state Sen. Wendy Davis.

Casar, too, inspired attendees to vote.

“Texans bought us abortion rights across the county, and it’s sure as hell going to be Texans that defend them,” Casar mentioned.

The outcry for abortion access has grown louder since a leaked draft opinion by the U.S. Supreme Court apparently referred to as for the tip of the longstanding precedent. In the draft opinion, its creator, Justice Samuel Alito, mentioned Roe was neither “deeply rooted in this nation’s history and tradition” nor “implicit in the concept of ordered liberty,” and referred to as for the choice on abortion access to be returned to states.

Many advocates now worry that ought to the draft opinion be solidified, it should have a right away influence in Texas, the place a so-called set off legislation was handed final summer time. The legislation would ban all abortions 30 days after a Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe is launched.

For Paxton Smith, the potential is terrifying.

Smith rose to fame final yr when she swapped her valedictorian speech for one which criticized the controversial Texas abortion legislation often called Senate Bill 8, or the Heartbeat Act. The legislation bans all abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, round six weeks of being pregnant, earlier than most people know they’re pregnant. It additionally deputized enforcement to residents, permitting folks to sue anybody who aids or abets an abortion after six weeks.

Smith, who spoke at Saturday’s occasion, mentioned she is “terrified” that states may have the flexibility to incarcerate individuals who have an abortion “because politicians have decided that their personal beliefs are more important than our survival.”

“I’m really scared because right now I live in a country where my own rights to control my body and my own rights to control my life are not mine, but it’s the states’,” Smith mentioned.

While the rally was met with a handful of counterprotesters, the day remained calm.

Joe Pojman, government director of Texas Alliance for Life, didn’t attend the rally Saturday however beforehand advised CNHI News that he encourages folks to peacefully protest as his group did final January, significantly because the opinion is simply a draft and never an official resolution.

He mentioned he believed there could be much less anger if abortion rights advocates noticed the methods the state helps moms by means of its Alternatives to Abortions program. The state Legislature final session allotted $100 million to this system, which would supply counseling, materials help and social providers for as much as three years after beginning.

Pojman mentioned he believes most politicians agree that it’s a program that ought to obtain continued funding.

“We just have never met a woman who sought an abortion as her first choice; it’s always a second choice. It’s always something that’s not desired, but is sought out because there is a perception that there’s not adequate alternatives,” Pojman mentioned. “We want to change that understanding.”

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