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‘The View,’ Gen Z Democratic Rep-elect give autopsy on Florida Democrats: Crist was a ‘debacle’

‘The View,’ Gen Z Democratic Rep-elect give autopsy on Florida Democrats: Crist was a ‘debacle’


Democratic Representative-elect Maxwell Alejandro Frost spoke to the ladies of “The View” Friday to debate why Florida’s midterm elections had been so dangerous for the Democratic Party. 

Frost claimed that Democratic voters simply “didn’t turn out” whereas co-host Ana Navarro pointed the finger immediately at Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist, calling his run a “debacle” and labeling him a “pillow” that Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., beat the “stuffing out of.”

Frost, who has been praised for being the primary member of Gen Z elected to the U.S. Congress, represented a uncommon Democratic Party win on Tuesday in Florida, within the midst of huge Republican victories within the governor’s race and within the race for U.S. Senate.


Democrat Congressman-elect from Florida Maxwell Frost discusses the midterms on “The View.”

Democratic defeats in Florida were so profound they prompted Navarro to ask the visitor about what he noticed went fallacious within the state, whereas offering her personal theories.

The host introduced up the topic whereas ripping into Crist, stating, “So you were the bright spot for Democrats in what was a night of a debacle in Florida, I think in large part because they nominated a pillow to run for governor, and Ron DeSantis beat the stuffing out of that pillow.”

Navarro has been a critic of Crist for a while. In September, she interviewed the candidate and informed him to his face she believed he’s a “political mercenary” who modifications political events for “convenience.”

During their dialog, Navarro grilled Crist over the truth that he was as soon as a Republican operating for workplace on a platform that championed conventional marriage and pro-life insurance policies. 

On Friday, Navarro requested Frost, “Tell me, how do you see what happened in Florida? Do you see it as a red wave? Peel back some of the layers of the onion for us.”


CNN Political Commentator Ana Navarro stated Tuesday that Charlie Crist was a “recycled has-been.”

Frost denied that it was a purple wave and argued that Democrats misplaced as a result of they didn’t present as much as vote. He stated, “For me, a red wave is when it’s simply extra Republican voters than ever and that’s not what occurred. What occurred is Democrats didn’t prove.”

He continued, saying, “And so for me, there’s a lot of soul-searching we need to do as a party in the state to figure out how are we gonna organize year-round, something my campaign is gonna be doing in January.”

Frost added, “We’re not gonna stop knocking doors, we’re not gonna stop making phone calls. Cause at the end of the day, when it’s election time, if you have built the trust with your constituent, you don’t have to persuade them to vote for you. You just have to remind them to go vote.”

Conservatives rushed to Twitter on Tuesday to spike the soccer when GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis was projected to defeat Charlie Crist to safe one other time period as Florida’s chief govt. 
(James Gilbert/Getty Images)


Frost claimed that Democrats waited too lengthy to influence their voters in Florida. He acknowledged, “Democrats were seeing the early vote numbers in Florida, and I saw all the candidates come out and start persuading Democrats to go vote and telling them ‘It’s important, we gotta protect democracy, we need to protect abortion.’”

The Congressman-elect concluded, “But really in the future, we need to be in a place where voters are already coming out, and what we’re doing is just getting out the vote and letting people know where the polling locations are.”


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