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The lion, the wig and the warrior. Who is Javier Milei, Argentina’s president-elect?

The lion, the wig and the warrior. Who is Javier Milei, Argentina’s president-elect?


BUENOS AIRES – His legions of fanatics name him “the crazy” and “the wig” because of his ferocity and unruly mop of hair, whilst he refers to himself as “the lion.” He thinks intercourse training is a Marxist plot to spoil the circle of relatives, perspectives his cloned mastiffs as his “children with four paws” and has raised the risk other people must be allowed to promote their very own essential organs.

He is Javier Milei, Argentina’s next president.

A couple of years in the past, Milei was once a tv speaking head that bookers cherished as a result of his screeds towards govt spending and the ruling political magnificence boosted scores. At the time, and up till mere months in the past, hardly ever any political professional believed he had an actual shot at turning into president of South America’s second-largest economic system.

But Milei, a 53-year-old economist, has rocked Argentina’s political established order and inserted himself into what has lengthy been successfully a two-party machine by way of amassing a groundswell of support together with his prescriptions of drastic measures to rein in hovering inflation and by way of pledging to campaign towards the creep of socialism in society.


At the middle of his financial plan for Argentina is an offer to exchange the native forex, the peso, with the U.S. buck. He has time and again mentioned the simplest method to finish the scourge of inflation, which has crowned 140%, is to stop politicians from proceeding to print cash. As such, he plans to extinguish the Central Bank.

A self-described “anarcho-capitalist,” Milei’s libertarianism was once a novelty for Argentina. He has spoken in desire of loosening the nation’s hard work regulations and promoted a imaginative and prescient of starkly smaller govt to spice up financial expansion. That includes getting rid of part of the govt ministries, together with well being and training. As an emblem of the deep cuts he champions, he has from time to time campaigned with a revving chainsaw in hand.

Reducing the state’s dimension dovetails together with his requires the “political caste” to be purged from Argentina’s govt, a lot as former U.S. President Donald Trump spoke of “draining the swamp” in connection with the entrenched established order. Milei has frequently drawn comparisons to Trump, a pacesetter he brazenly admires.

Before coming into the public highlight, Milei was once chief economist at Corporación America, one among Argentina’s greatest industry conglomerates that, amongst different issues, runs maximum of the nation’s airports. He labored there till 2021, when he gained his seat as a lawmaker.


Milei doesn’t simply see himself as a right-leaning flesh presser, but in addition as a culture warrior with the challenge of shaking up Argentine society. Some of Milei’s positions seem to echo extra conservative Republicans in the U.S. whilst his fiery, profanity-laden rhetoric has already lifted him to prominence in the world tradition struggle that from time to time overwhelms political discourse in the U.S., neighboring Brazil and in other places.

Milei opposes feminist insurance policies and abortion, which Argentina legalized lately, and has proposed a plebiscite to repeal the legislation. He additionally rejects the perception people have a job in inflicting local weather trade. In a tv look, he denounced Pope Francis, who is Argentine, as an “imbecile” for protecting social justice and known as the head of the Roman Catholic Church “the representative of malignance on Earth.”

In the identical vein as Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again,” Milei has mentioned he’ll go back the nation to an unspecified length of greatness.

“Argentina is going to reclaim the place in the world that it should never have lost,” Milei mentioned at his victory rally Sunday. His fans have embraced the comparability, and frequently put on hats bearing the phrases “Make Argentina Great Again.”


The son of a passenger delivery businessman and a homemaker, the economist doesn’t like to speak a lot about his early life and has mentioned his younger years have been marked by way of a demanding courting together with his father.

A more youthful Milei performed in a Rolling Stones tribute band and served as a goalkeeper in the adolescence divisions of the Chacarita football membership. But he determined to position apart football throughout the hyperinflation length of the past due Eighties to check economics.

These days, the simplest circle of relatives member with whom he has a detailed courting is his sister, Karina Milei, who ran his marketing campaign. He calls her “the boss,” and has time and again characterised her as the architect of his upward thrust to energy.

During his repeated tv appearances, Milei didn’t simply speak about economics and politics. He additionally delved into his non-public lifestyles and as soon as introduced himself as a professional in tantric intercourse, brazenly discussing how he had time and again participated in crew intercourse and offering guidelines.

For a lot of his grownup lifestyles, Milei didn’t have a significant romantic spouse and he is not recognized to have buddies. After pronouncing for months that he didn’t have time thus far, he began a courting in July with actress and artist Fátima Flórez. She is recognized for her imitations of Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who was once president 2007-2015.

Milei had a deep connection together with his English Mastiff, Conan, who passed on to the great beyond. He now has no less than 4 others reportedly cloned the usage of Conan’s DNA, all of that are named after economists.

Despite the “wig” nickname, his hair is actual.

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