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The Art of Avoiding the NY Times Crossword: A Guide for Puzzle-Free Procrastinators

The Art of Avoiding the NY Times Crossword: A Guide for Puzzle-Free Procrastinators

If you’re a energy procrastinator who’s looking for tactics to steer clear of getting sucked into the NY Times crossword puzzle, then this information is for you. The NY Times crossword is a hard and addictive puzzle that can take in such a lot of your time. But fear now not, with a pair of simple tips and pointers, you are able to stay puzzle-free and steer clear of the temptation to procrastinate.

1. Set sensible targets and priorities

Before you even open the NY Times crossword, make a decision what your priorities are and set sensible targets for the day. Make a list of the problems you wish to have to do, and prioritize them in order of importance. Then give yourself a wise timeline to complete every process. By doing this, you’ll be a lot much less much more likely to get distracted by way of the crossword puzzle and a lot more prone to stick centered for your targets.

2. Avoid temptation

If that the NY Times crossword is a vulnerable level for you, then you will have to take steps to steer clear of temptation. This would possibly suggest uninstalling the crossword app out of your phone or keeping off the crossword segment of the newspaper. You might also steer clear of web websites that function crossword puzzles, or ask a chum to stick you accountable for keeping off the puzzle.

3. Find a change procedure

When you feel the urge to do the NY Times crossword, find a change procedure to distract yourself. This could be the rest from finding out a book to taking a walk out of doorways. Find something that you just revel in doing, and to help you chill out and take your ideas off the puzzle.


4. Use the puzzle as a reward

If you in level of reality need to do the crossword puzzle, use it as a reward for completing your other tasks for the day. Once you could have finished the entirety for your to-do document, give yourself permission to do the puzzle. This way, you are able to revel in the puzzle guilt-free, understanding that you’ve already taken care of your tasks.

5. Remember why you could be keeping off the puzzle

Finally, consider why you could be taking a look to steer clear of the NY Times crossword puzzle. It’s easy to get caught up in the downside and the excitement of completing the puzzle, alternatively you will have to remember that your time is effective. By keeping off the puzzle, you make time for the problems that matter most to you. Whether it’s spending time with family and friends, pursuing leisure pursuits, or working for your profession, remember that your time is valuable, and use it as it should be.

In conclusion, keeping off the NY Times crossword puzzle can be a downside, alternatively with just a bit bit of strength of will and a pair of simple strategies, you are able to stay puzzle-free and make the most of your time. Remember to set sensible targets and priorities, steer clear of temptation, find a change procedure, use the puzzle as a reward, and all the time consider why you could be keeping off the puzzle in the first place. Happy procrastination-free days watch for!

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