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The Art of Avoiding the New York Times Crossword: Why Some Just Say No to Puzzling


The Art of Avoiding the New York Times Crossword: Why Some Just Say No to Puzzling

Crosswords have been a staple in American newspapers for over a century, with The New York Times Crossword becoming the gold standard in the Nineteen Forties. While tens of thousands and thousands of other folks eagerly watch for the day-to-day puzzle, there are those who actively steer transparent of it. So why do a little other folks say no to puzzling? Let’s uncover.

Too Hard or Too Easy?

The New York Times Crossword will also be daunting, even for seasoned puzzle enthusiasts. With clues that adjust from tough to perceive pop culture references to advanced math equations, it’s no surprise that some other folks to find the puzzles too tough to even attempt. On the other hand, some other folks to find the puzzles too easy, offering little delight or downside.

Time Constraints

The New York Times Crossword can take anywhere from a pair of minutes to a host of hours to complete, depending on the complexity of the puzzle and the skill level of the solver. For some, the time required to get to the bottom of the puzzle simply cannot be accommodated of their busy schedules, making it an unappealing interest.

Lack of Interest

While crosswords have many faithful fans, there are those who simply have no interest in them. With a wide range of spare time activities and interests to be had, some other folks merely don’t to find puzzles to be a successful use of their time.

Alternative Puzzle Options

For the ones which can be interested by puzzles alternatively do not appear to be drawn to crosswords, there are rather a lot of other alternatives to be had. Sudoku, just right judgment puzzles, and jigsaw puzzles are all in taste conceivable alternatives that offer a different sort of downside and will also be merely as relaxing to get to the bottom of.

Personal Preference

In the end, whether or not or no longer or no longer to get to the bottom of The New York Times Crossword is a matter of non-public selection. Some other folks to find excitement and delight in the downside of solving the day-to-day puzzle, while others to find their interests lie somewhere else. Ultimately, puzzles could have to be a provide of enjoyment, no longer a provide of force or power.


While The New York Times Crossword remains a favorite among puzzle enthusiasts, it’s not for everyone. Whether it’s the level of factor, the time required to get to the bottom of, or non-public selection, there are rather a lot of the the reason why some other folks make a selection to steer transparent of puzzling. But with this type of lot of puzzle alternatives to be had, everyone can find a sort of puzzle that matches their interests and skill level.

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