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Texas role in Civil War to be discussed | News, Sports, Jobs

Texas role in Civil War to be discussed | News, Sports, Jobs


The chairman of the Ohio University Department of History will be the keynote speaker on the 7 p.m. Thursday assembly of the Civil War Round Table of the Mid-Ohio Valley at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Parish Hall, 320 Second St., Marietta.

Brian Schoen, an affiliate professor, will current “Texas Terror: Revolution and Secession in the Lone Star State.”

Meetings are open to the general public and there’s no price to attend conferences of the Civil War Round Table. Programs are partially funded by the Ohio Arts Council.

Schoen just lately wrote “Continent in Crisis: The U.S. Civil War in North America” that studied how Mexico, British Canada and sovereign indigenous states in the West influenced southern secession.

In an evaluation of the forces and connections that affected the interval, Schoen will focus on the affect of a number of overseas and home crises together with political instability in Mexico.

Schoen will argue Texas was a tinderbox exploited by secessionists to persuade southerners of the rewards of secession. He will argue Texas is illustrative of many forces finally main to southern secession in spite of efforts led by Sam Houston, an outspoken Union loyalist, to preserve loyalty to the federal authorities.

Schoen is an affiliate professor of U.S. History. His e book, “The Fragile Fabric of Union: Cotton, Federal Politics and the Global Origin of the Civil War,” printed in 2009, gained the Southern Historical Association’s Bennett H. Wall award.

Donations will be accepted to defray a portion of the price of the occasion. Refreshments will be supplied earlier than and after the assembly.

Schoen final spoke to the roundtable in May 2021 when he examined international financial and political forces influencing federal and southern insurance policies that contributed to the Civil War. Much of the examine centered on the financial connections of European powers to “King Cotton” and misguided southern states’ expectations these nations would rush to assist and defend their trigger.

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