Home News Texas Texas AG Ken Paxton’s latest stunt against vaccines is a waste of...

Texas AG Ken Paxton’s latest stunt against vaccines is a waste of money

Texas AG Ken Paxton’s latest stunt against vaccines is a waste of money


Texans depend at the state’s legal professional common to safeguard their felony pursuits. The workplace holds huge powers, with a scope that has historically integrated important purposes corresponding to imposing open data rules, overseeing the kid make stronger fee machine, and representing the state in felony issues. These are non-partisan purposes that constitute all Texans similarly.

However, the present legal professional common, Ken Paxton, turns out to have misplaced sight of those crucial tasks, as a substitute opting for to advance his non-public political schedule. His contemporary movements have misused his workplace and threatened the integrity of Texas’ felony machine.

For instance, Paxton filed a lawsuit in December 2020, claiming election fraud in 4 states throughout the presidential election. The Supreme Court abruptly threw out the case, with Texas having no status to deliver the go well with. Once once more, Paxton wasted treasured Texas tax bucks pursuing his political best friend’s schedule.

Now, Paxton has introduced a misleading industry investigation into 3 pharmaceutical corporations generating COVID-19 vaccines. He has a historical past of opposing vaccines, and his allegations against Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson lack any proof. He claims they misrepresented the efficacy of their vaccines, manipulated vaccine trial information, and engaged in different doubtlessly fraudulent process to earn income.

As the state’s best legal professional, he will have to pursue civil fits against corporations that hurt Texans, together with drug corporations. Paxton and his workplace effectively reached a huge agreement against Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. remaining yr. However, this situation had mounds of proof against Teva and different drug corporations dealing with 1000’s of proceedings national. In distinction, Paxton’s present effort is determined by political, no longer clinical considerations, and would possibly waste hard earned tax bucks.

Texas taxpayers deserve accountable management from their best legal professional, no longer non-public political vendettas. Paxton should finish his divisive movements and refocus on his crucial tasks that serve all Texans.

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