Home News Texas Texas Abortion Rights Advocates Vow to Fight ‘Unconstitutional’ Local Travel Bans

Texas Abortion Rights Advocates Vow to Fight ‘Unconstitutional’ Local Travel Bans

Texas Abortion Rights Advocates Vow to Fight ‘Unconstitutional’ Local Travel Bans


Rights advocates in Texas on Wednesday stated they’ll struggle rules which were passed in no less than 3 counties up to now that may outlaw journey on native roads to get abortion care—ordinances that they are saying are unconstitutional and must by no means were licensed in puts together with Cochran County, which borders New Mexico and the place officers unanimously greenlit the measure closing week.

The county’s 5 commissioners licensed the proposal made by way of Mark Lee Dickson, a pro-forced being pregnant activist who directs Right To Life of East Texas and has introduced an effort to persuade native governments to undertake so-called “sanctuary city for the unborn” insurance policies. Dickson has been circulating a letter signed by way of no less than 20 state lawmakers in strengthen of the ordinances.

Dickson told the commissioners that barring folks from the usage of roads within the county to journey for abortion care would “close some of the loopholes that exist in this fight.”

The regulation can be enforced via personal civil complaints, like Senate Bill 8, the state regulation that bans abortion care as early as six weeks right into a being pregnant. Authorities would impose consequences on any person who knowingly transports anyone who is looking for an abortion, for which pro-forced being pregnant teams and politicians have invented a brand new so-called crime: “abortion trafficking.”

“This is absolutely egregious—not to mention unconstitutional and unenforceable,” stated the Brigid Alliance, which gives journey and different logistical strengthen to folks looking for abortions around the United States. “But let’s be clear: These antics will not stop the Brigid Alliance from our critical work to get people to their abortion care, whatever it takes.”

Advocacy teams just like the Brigid Alliance say the journey bans are in transparent violation of the U.S. Constitution, which protects the suitable to journey, however the enforcement mechanism may lead them to tricky to problem in courtroom.

“The purpose of these laws is not to meaningfully enforce them,” Neesha Davé, govt director of the Lilith Fund, an Texas-based abortion fund, told The Washington Post closing month. “It’s the fear that’s the point. It’s the confusion that’s the point.”

Former Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis, who’s now a senior adviser at Planned Parenthood Texas Votes, said the continuing luck of Dickson’s marketing campaign would create “a reproductive prison in the state of Texas.”

“You may believe this isn’t going to affect you because it’s in some tiny little town you’re never going to drive through,” Davis informed the Texas Tribune closing week. “This is an effort, one by one by one, to create a statewide ban against travel to other states.”

As Caroline Kitchener reported within the Post closing month, native lawmakers in cities together with Llano and Chandler, Texas have rebuffed Dickson’s calls to cross anti-travel ordinances, with one conservative councilmember in Llano pronouncing the proposal used to be “overreaching.”


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