Home News Florida Tampa has the warmest summer recorded, NWS says

Tampa has the warmest summer recorded, NWS says

Tampa has the warmest summer recorded, NWS says


TAMPA, Fla. — The National Weather Service mentioned Tampa had the warmest summer on file in 2022 at 85.7 levels Fahrenheit.

The NWS mentioned it was additionally the warmest August recorded at their Tampa International Airport web site, reaching 85.6 levels Fahrenheit and making it the third warmest month general for Tampa.

Tampa additionally had the warmest consecutive eight months at 77.7 levels Fahrenheit.

Warmer morning lows and a persistent easterly stream delaying the sea breeze have been components the NWS mentioned influenced the hotter temperatures this summer.

According to the NWS, this can be very uncommon for a web site to beat the earlier file by such a margin of 0.9 levels Fahrenheit.


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