Home News Texas Strangers show up to a birthday party to celebrate a Columbia boy

Strangers show up to a birthday party to celebrate a Columbia boy

Strangers show up to a birthday party to celebrate a Columbia boy


Over 40 kids and their households have been welcomed into a stranger’s house for a birthday party thank you to a post on Facebook. The birthday boy, Jamel Nichols, had invited all of his faculty pals however sadly, none may just attend. His mom, Zenas Jett, made up our minds to achieve out to the neighborhood and made a Facebook post that won virtually 100 feedback, reactions, and messages. As a end result, entire strangers have been invited to the slime-themed birthday celebration.

The circle of relatives was once beaten by means of the reaction they won and the items that Jamel won weren’t the one items for the reason that day. Ashley Berendzen, who has kids with social difficulties, mentioned her circle of relatives won a present too. They have been in a position to make new pals and have been surrounded by means of heat and welcoming folks.

Jamel expressed his gratitude to everybody who attended his party, announcing, “thank you for supporting me and for coming out. You could have been somewhere else, you could have been doing what you wanted to do but instead, you came to my party.” He now has a new neighborhood in the back of him as he enters his 12th 12 months.

The folks and children who attended the party exchanged telephone numbers and plan to meet up once more. It is going to show how a easy act of kindness and a willingness to achieve out to others can create new relationships and fortify communities.


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