Home News Oklahoma Show stopper: Singalong fans ejected, ‘Bodyguard’ halted

Show stopper: Singalong fans ejected, ‘Bodyguard’ halted

A British efficiency of “The Bodyguard” musical screeched to a halt when unruly target audience individuals couldn’t chorus from making a song alongside to the finale

MANCHESTER, England — A British efficiency of “The Bodyguard” musical resulted in unrequited love for some target audience individuals who could not chorus from making a song alongside to the anthemic finale.

The display on the Palace Theatre in Manchester screeched to a halt Friday when two unruly buyers have been ejected for becoming a member of the lead in making a song “I Will Always Love You,” the hovering, emotional ballad made well-known via Whitney Houston.

It used to be now not meant to be a singalong. Ushers carried indicators announcing, “Please refrain from singing” and bulletins have been made prematurely that buyers would have a possibility to sign up for alongside on the finish however to not sing all through the display, stated Tash Kenyon, an target audience member.

During the remaining quantity, any person shouted, “Does this mean we can start singing now?” Kenyon stated. A tone-deaf voice projected from the balcony and competed with the vocals of Melody Thornton, a former member of The Pussycat Dolls.

Laughter then became to anger and confusion, Karl Bradley advised the Manchester Evening News.

“The stage then just went black again and that’s when it really started to kick off on the higher tier, you could really hear screams and audible gasps,” Bradley said. “Everyone starting standing up and looking over. There was chants of ‘out, out, out’ to get them gone.”

When the lights came up, the unwanted backup singers were being hauled out of their seats by theater security and audience members began cheering.

But the music and show were over.

A spokesperson for the theater said the show was canceled because disruptive fans who refused to stay seated had spoiled the performance.

Thornton posted a video on Instagram thanking respectful fans and apologizing for those who weren’t.

Greater Manchester Police stated it spoke with the 2 individuals who have been got rid of via safety and would overview proof prior to taking any motion.


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