Home News Florida Sex assault convict kidnapped woman from Sunrise laundromat, raped her, cops say

Sex assault convict kidnapped woman from Sunrise laundromat, raped her, cops say

Sex assault convict kidnapped woman from Sunrise laundromat, raped her, cops say


SUNRISE, Fla. – A Sunrise guy convicted of sexual assault in Wyoming struck once more, consistent with police — this time, they say, at a South Florida laundromat.

That Feb. 25, 2014 conviction, for third-degree sexual assault in Sweetwater County, Wyoming, landed Marquise Perry Grant on Florida’s intercourse culprit record, consistent with on-line data.

Police mentioned Grant, 34, went into Sudzies of Sunrise, situated at 6165 W. Sunrise Blvd., on Monday and noticed the sufferer.

A Sunrise Police Department arrest record states that Grant went into the toilet, were given a “shotgun-style pellet gun out of a large duffle bag,” got here out and pointed it on the woman, hard she go away the industry.

The woman, in concern for her lifestyles, complied, police mentioned. The record doesn’t state whether or not she knew Grant previous to the incident.

She requested a number of occasions if she may collect her property and go away in her automobile, however Grant “grabbed onto” her and escorted her right into a “dark alleyway” at the west facet of the industry, the place he started to rape her, the record states.

The record states {that a} Sunrise police officer who arrived on the scene noticed Grant “still mounted on top of (the victim) in the alleyway” along with his “sexual organs exposed.”

Grant took off however police chased him down and took him into custody, it states. Police mentioned it was once “apparent,” in line with proof recovered on the scene, {that a} “struggle ensued” all the way through the assault.

As of Tuesday, Grant was once being held with out bond within the Broward Main Jail on fees of armed sexual battery, kidnapping to facilitate the fee of a prison, committing a first-degree prison with a weapon and resisting arrest.

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