Home News Oklahoma Senate passes short-term government funding bill averting shutdown

Senate passes short-term government funding bill averting shutdown

Senate passes short-term government funding bill averting shutdown

The vote came about in a overdue night time consultation on Wednesday.

November 15, 2023, 11:52 PM

Senate leaders voted Wednesday night time in prefer of the short-term government funding bill the House handed Tuesday night time forward of Friday’s shutdown cut-off date.

House Speaker Mike Johnson pitched a two-step plan that he described as a “laddered CR” — or proceeding solution — that can stay the government funded at 2023 ranges. The bill extends government funding till Jan. 19 for the Veterans Affairs, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Energy departments, in addition to for army building. The remainder of the government is funded till Feb. 2.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer prior to now introduced that the higher chamber supposed to paintings with Republicans to cross the bill as early as Wednesday.

While Senate expenses most often take a protracted, winding trail ahead of they succeed in a last vote at the flooring, Schumer prior to now stated he deliberate to paintings with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to peer if they might expedite it.

“If both sides cooperate, there’s no reason we can’t finish this bill even as soon as today, but we’re going to keep working to see what’s possible,” Schumer stated previous within the day.

The government used to be set to close down on the finish of the day Friday, however since there used to be 0 urge for food for a shutdown forward of the Thanksgiving vacation, motion used to be anticipated to growth quicker than standard.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, R-La., meets with newshounds forward of a the most important vote on a seamless solution to stay the government funded at its present ranges, Nov. 14, 2023, on the Capitol in Washington.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP

The White House had at the beginning pushed aside the GOP proposal as “unserious,” however a White House professional stated previous on Wednesday that President Joe Biden would signal the short-term funding bill if it handed within the Senate.

The White House professional had known as at the GOP to “stop wasting time on extreme, partisan appropriations bills” and cross the president’s supplemental support request for Israel, Ukraine, border safety, humanitarian help and different priorities. The House-approved bill does no longer come with that supplemental support for Israel or Ukraine.

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