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Sen. Manchin is the last in a line of formidable West Virginia Democrats who promoted coal interests

Sen. Manchin is the last in a line of formidable West Virginia Democrats who promoted coal interests


CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Joe Manchin’s impending departure from the U.S. Senate marks the finish of an generation for West Virginia’s conservative Democrats, who for many years held outsize affect in Washington. It’s the newest signal of the birthday celebration’s stable decline in the state that steadily has paralleled the death of Appalachian coal.

Manchin, 76, is the last in a line of formidable Democratic senators from the Mountain State who promoted coal interests at the nationwide degree. He stayed true to a trail set by means of stalwarts like Robert C. Byrd, Jennings Randolph and Jay Rockefeller, at the same time as he navigated the moving terrain of nationwide power coverage.

While Democrats moved aggressively clear of fossil fuels in an effort to fight the danger of local weather alternate, Manchin pressed for an “all of the above” energy policy intended to maintain coal as a minimum of a element of the country’s power portfolio. He presented himself to voters as the reasonable moderate between two extremes.

Manchin has played that role to the hilt all the way through President Joe Biden’s management, on the whole thing from infrastructure and prescription drug costs to well being care support, as Democrats dangle to a 51-49 Senate majority after narrowly shedding their House edge last fall.

He had confronted a tough trail ahead to reelection subsequent yr, in a potential matchup in opposition to standard Republican Gov. Jim Justice, in a state that Donald Trump carried by means of just about 40 proportion issues in 2020. Biden’s blank power schedule may just stall if Republicans retake the Senate or get replaced if the Democrat is unseated.

Manchin labored with each Biden and President Barack Obama on power coverage, embracing blank power subsidies and pressing fellow Democrats to invest in clean coal technology and different different ways to stay miners hired as chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. He was once a longtime promoter of mine protection and federal advantages and rules to give protection to coal miners with black lung disease. Some advocates say he didn’t do sufficient and every so often blocked extra competitive measures or appeared to restrict their affect on the trade.

In West Virginia, the nationwide birthday celebration’s competitive transfer towards blank power steadily left Manchin and different Democrats liable to Republican assaults, together with when Trump campaigned in 2016 on a promise to finish what he described as Obama’s “war on coal” and to avoid wasting miners’ jobs.

Trump’s Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, brazenly stated that coal jobs had been going away and would wish to get replaced, causing a political backlash that additional broken the status of Democrats in West Virginia. Manchin by no means defended the statement however was once criticized by means of West Virginia Republicans for what his birthday celebration’s nominee mentioned.

Trump didn’t carry again the trade again. The quantity of coal jobs in West Virginia fell from 11,561 at the get started of his presidency to 11,418 at the finish in 2021, slowing coal’s precipitous decline however no longer preventing it. Still, Democrats like Manchin steadily discovered themselves focused as enemies of coal in a state the place it was once nonetheless extensively noticed as a cornerstone of the economic system.

Ironically, Manchin’s Senate retirement announcement got here in the aftermath of large victories this previous week for Democrats in the neighboring states of Kentucky and Virginia, however they aren’t as reliant on coal economically. Though the quantity of staff has dipped, West Virginia has had the best possible proportion of all coal mining staff in the country since 2004. By 2022, coal mining staff in West Virginia made up just about 30% of all coal staff in the nation.

John Deskins, director of the West Virginia University Bureau of Business and Economic Research, mentioned 75% of West Virginia’s coal jobs had been disappearing earlier than coal manufacturing dropped as a result of of mechanization.

Much of coal’s decline additionally stems from a primary drop in use of the useful resource for electrical energy technology, and “not much there changed after the 2016 election,” said Deskins.

West Virginia Democratic Party Chair Mike Pushkin said Trump never fulfilled his promise.

“Donald Trump did absolutely nothing for the coal industry,” he said Friday.

Less than 20 years ago, coal made up 50% of electric power generation nationally. Now it’s down to less than 20%, said Deskins. At its peak in the 1950s, coal mining employed 100,000 in West Virginia, whose population at the time was about 2 million.

Manchin, who was first elected to the state House of Delegates in 1982, entered politics amid a massive loss of coal jobs in West Virginia. The first year he was in the Legislature, the state unemployment rate was 21%.

The state’s politics at the time were dominated by Democrats, but under a big tent that included liberals, moderates and conservatives.

Retired West Virginia Wesleyan political historical past professor Robert Rupp, who known as Manchin “the last of the old Democrats,” said the strategy made sense back then.

“There was one tent where everyone could go underneath that tent and they would tolerate each other, as long as they won,” Rupp said. “He was right there.”

Rupp mentioned it in the long run was untenable for Manchin to include Biden’s environmental projects and protect coal.

“He’s the middle guy,” Rupp said. “To pin him down is very difficult.”

Manchin, Rupp said, was neither an avid New Deal Democrat nor a hard-core conservative.

“He’s effectively straddling the issue,” he said. “If your job is to protect the coal industry, then you would run away from Biden and his plans. But instead, you get on the table on that.”

Manchin’s refusal to disown coal completely helped him stay viable in a state with deep roots in the industry. Coal was what dozens of West Virginia communities were founded on. Towns and cities started as coal camps owned by mining companies where workers were paid low wages to work in unsafe conditions. Immigrants from Europe and Black Americans from the Jim Crow South migrated to isolated hills and hollers and made homes. They fought for workers’ rights and took pride in difficult work that helped power the nation.

Manchin, whose uncle died in the coal mines his grandfather started working in when he was 9 years old, understood all that.

“It is such a part of the history and culture,” said West Virginia University history professor William Hal Gorby, “that any sort of outside criticism of it naturally leads to sort of this perception that if you criticize the whole thing, you’re also criticizing my grandparents, my parents, my brothers, my relatives who worked in coal. It’s a personal attack more than anything.”

Manchin, he mentioned, had the skill “to sort of talk that language to ordinary West Virginians in a way that they also understand.”

West Virginia University law professor Pat McGinley, who was part of then-Gov. Manchin’s team investigating an explosion in 2010 at Upper Big Branch mine that killed 29 miners, said Manchin, Randolph and Byrd had a long history of publicly advocating for safer mines. The Upper Big Branch report was, he said, “the first real objective investigation of a mine disaster going back a century.”

The independent investigation led by a former federal mine safety official held both the federal Mine Safety Administration and the West Virginia mine safety agency responsible as well as the operator, Massey Energy. Still, he said, it didn’t result in meaningful policy changes on the state or federal level.

“Government regulators played a major role in that disaster,” McGinley said. “It’s something to reinforce coal mine well being and protection, it’s any other factor to put into effect the regulation to give protection to miners.”

West Virginia Democrats just wanted to ensure that mine operators were being responsible, said retired Democratic Sen. Mike Caputo, a former coal miner and United Mine Workers of America representative.

He said the state Democratic Party was branded “anti-jobs and anti-coal” because of environmental policies coming from the national party.

“Nothing could be further from the truth,” he said. “No person who I served with sought after to close the coal mines down and put folks out of paintings.”


Associated Press information journalist Kavish Harjai in Los Angeles contributed to this file.

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