Home News Texas Scarborough Renaissance Festival look: A look in the bakery

Scarborough Renaissance Festival look: A look in the bakery

Scarborough Renaissance Festival look: A look in the bakery


For 14 years now, Vandal Van Camp, the head baker, has been hanging his personal spin on his circle of relatives’s recipes at the Scarborough Renaissance Festival in Waxahachie, Texas.

Van Camp has discovered a circle of relatives setting and feels proper at house at the competition. And the pastries he serves don’t seem to be your bizarre run-of-the-mill candies.

His kitchen is exclusive, and as he says, “Nowhere have I been treated as nicely and received as warmly as I have right here at Scarborough Renaissance Festival. It’s actually like a whirlwind and time disappears.”

Van Camp’s sales space at the competition provides a one-of-a-kind culinary enjoy. For over a decade, he has been the use of his circle of relatives’s long-held recipes to serve 1000’s of fair-goers. These recipes had been handed down for generations, together with his grandfathers hailing from Germany and measuring out components with eye figuring out sizes. Van Camp provides his personal non-public twist to those loved recipes. He provides scratch-made brownies, fruit bars, and a blueberry blitz kuchen, his grandfather’s recipe for a German lightning cake. And then there are his sausages, made to reserve from a small German sausage producer in Muenster, Texas.

The sales space attracts massive crowds, with 1000’s of consumers appearing up each and every weekend. Although they are attempting to stay the line shifting as speedy as conceivable, some guests will have to attend half-hour to pattern Van Camp’s scrumptious choices.

Even if you are no longer a normal attendee of the Renaissance Festival, this sales space is easily price the consult with. The competition has been operating since early April and can keep open till Memorial Day (May 29).

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