Home News Texas San Jose, Dallas police honor fallen officer – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

San Jose, Dallas police honor fallen officer – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth


The circle of relatives of a fallen Dallas police officer is being commemorated with a heartwarming deal with from each the Dallas and San Jose Police Departments.

Dallas Police Senior Corporal Jose De La Rocha was once a 15-year veteran of the power and ceaselessly labored in methods with children.

“He was a dedicated public servant,” his widow Adriana De La Rocha said. “He loved making a difference in his community. He loved being a mentor.”

He additionally beloved the Cowboys and spending time along with his circle of relatives. That’s why they purchased tickets for the Cowboys sport Sunday evening towards the 49’s in California.

“We were excited about finally starting to look at the NFL stadiums,” De La Rocha said. “That was a bucket list item of ours. We love the Bay Area. We’ve been here a few times and we just decided it would be a great trip to share with our son.”

Sadly, Officer De La Rocha died in August from a middle assault. 

She thought to be canceling the commute however says that’s not what her husband would have sought after.


Officer De La Rocha’s brothers in blue can also be there along with his circle of relatives because of Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia.

Chief Garcia made a choice to San Jose police the place he was once a former leader inquiring for a desire to honor the fallen officer and his circle of relatives.

“To make that little boy’s trip special and there was no hesitation,” Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia said. “This is what our profession is all about. We talk about being family and we aren’t just family in our own individual departments. We’re family across this country.”

Because of that bond, San Jose Police will give the De La Rocha circle of relatives a police escort whole with lighting fixtures and sirens to the sport.

“Just thank you to the Bay Area family for hosting us,” De La Rocha said. “We love the city.”

A small gesture that may make an emotional commute a bit of extra memorable in a good method.


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