Home health food Samantha Ruth Prabhu follows this diet to manage myositis

Samantha Ruth Prabhu follows this diet to manage myositis

Samantha Ruth Prabhu follows this diet to manage myositis

Samantha Ruth Prabhu broke the news of her suffering from an autoimmune disease called myositis late last year. The actor who always tries to keep her fans in the loop recently shared another update on her health. Taking to her Instagram page, the actress shared a glimpse into her journey to recovery. She also shared that she has been following the “strictest possible diet”.

In the video, the 35-year-old actress is seen doing pull-ups as she shares that for her, strength is how you think rather than what you eat. So, the message is clear that one should have a positive outlook on the road to recovery. Having said that, let’s learn more about the autoimmune diet that the actor follows.

Samantha Ruth Prabhu suffers from myositis

Not long ago, the south cinema star revealed in an Instagram post that she is suffering from a health problem called myositis. She captioned the post, “A few months back I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition called Myositis. I was hoping to share this after it had gone into remission. But it is taking a little longer than I hoped.”

Myositis is a group of common diseases that affects the immune system, as per the data by the UK National Health Services. A person suffering from the disease often has weak muscles and feels uncomfortable, which can get worse over time.

Some of the common symptoms of the disease include muscular injury, weakness, and oedema. They appear gradually and steadily, which is why it takes longer to diagnose the disease. Climbing the stairs, falling, skin rashes, swallowing issues and exhaustion are some of the common signs people with myositis experience.

The condition can be improved with proper medication, exercise, and eating a healthy diet. Enters the autoimmune diets that Samantha mentions in the caption of her latest video.

How do autoimmune diets work?

For the unversed, an autoimmune disease is one in which your immune system mistakenly attacks your body. Autoimmune diseases tend to cause inflammation and fatigue. Thus, an autoimmune diet (AIP diet) helps quell the signs and symptoms of these diseases, including myositis.

Samantha Prabhu follows this diet to keep their health in check. Image courtesy: shutterstock

As per Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, an AIP diet helps fight inflammation caused by autoimmune diseases. There is no specific pattern of eating an autoimmune diet. A person eats a specific type of food on an AIP diet and then notices its effects on health. Generally, it includes eating healthy foods like vegetables, nuts, fruits, seeds, and lean protein.

Foods high in vitamins and other nutrients are a priority on the AIP diet. Anyone who adheres to it won’t consume any foods that have extra sugar or other ingredients that could set off an autoimmune reaction. If the person starts experiencing a surge in symptoms, they may want to exclude the type of food causing it.

Foods to include and exclude on an autoimmune diet

If you have heard of the Paleo diet, consider the autoimmune diet an advanced version of this diet. So, you have to include anti-inflammatory foods and exclude foods that may lead to inflammation. Here are the foods you should and should not eat while following an autoimmune diet:

Anti-inflammatory foods

  • Foods that are rich in omega-3 fats like chia seeds, fish, walnuts, etc.
  • Whole grains
  • Legumes
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Lean meat
  • Legumes
  • Tea and coffee
  • Dark chocolate
  • Olive, avocado, and coconut oils
  • Seeds
  • Natural herbs like turmeric, etc
Anti-inflammatory foods to eat on an autoimmune diet. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Inflammatory foods to avoid

  • Soda
  • Iced tea
  • Packaged juices
  • High-carb foods like pasta, bread, etc
  • Bacon
  • Sausage
  • Fried foods
  • Full-fat dairy
  • Too much alcohol

While these are some of the foods people are asked to include and exclude from an autoimmune diet, there are other factors that people need to take care of. They should exercise regularly, manage stress, and try to get sufficient sleep of 6-8 hours a day, as per Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Since autoimmune diets are highly restrictive, it is crucial to check with your healthcare provider to know what suits you the best.

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