Home News California Safe containing $30K in cash stolen from Pasadena business, police say

Safe containing $30K in cash stolen from Pasadena business, police say

Safe containing $30K in cash stolen from Pasadena business, police say


A Pasadena industry is in surprise after finding {that a} protected with tens of hundreds of bucks was once stolen on Saturday night time.

The incident came about in the 900 block of North Orange Grove Boulevard and was once reported to the police on Sunday morning in keeping with a report in the Pasadena Star-News.

According to the Pasadena Police Department, the thieves broke right into a neighboring industry after which created a hollow resulting in an adjoining industry, the place the stolen protected was once positioned, mentioned Lt. Tim Bundy. The suspects had been ready to break out with $30,000 in cash from the protected.

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