Home News Texas Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov arrives in North Korea, Russian state media say

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov arrives in North Korea, Russian state media say

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov arrives in North Korea, Russian state media say


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in North Korea on Wednesday, in line with Russian state news company Tass, the most recent in a flurry of diplomatic job between the 2 nations in which Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited North Korea in July and North Korean chief Kim Jong Un traveled to Russia in September.

Earlier in the week, Lavrov accompanied President Vladimir Putin on a consult with to Beijing that underscored Chinese make stronger for Moscow all the way through its battle in Ukraine.

Lavrov ultimate visited North Korea in 2018. During his two-day consult with he’s to satisfy with North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui, Russian state news company RIA Novosti mentioned. Putin additionally approved a call for participation from Kim to consult with North Korea, however the timing has no longer been introduced.

During Kim’s visit to Russia he met Putin at Russia’s Vostochny Cosmodrome and inspected fighter jets at an airplane manufacturing unit in Russia’s a long way east.

The White House mentioned on Friday that North Korea has delivered greater than 1,000 containers of military equipment and munitions to Russia for its ongoing war in Ukraine.

Speculation a few conceivable North Korean plan to fill up Russian munition retail outlets tired via its protracted battle with Ukraine flared all the way through Kim’s consult with to Russia.

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby mentioned the U.S. believes Kim is looking for subtle Russian guns applied sciences in go back for the munitions to spice up North Korea’s army and nuclear program.

Kim known as ultimate month for an exponential build up in manufacturing of nuclear guns and for his nation to play a bigger position in a coalition of countries confronting the United States in a “new Cold War,” North Korean state media mentioned.

During Kim’s six-day commute to Russia, his longest overseas trip as a pacesetter, the 2 nations mentioned they mentioned boosting their protection ties however didn’t reveal any particular steps. Foreign professionals speculate the 2 nations, each locked in confrontations with the West, have been pushing to achieve hands switch offers in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions.

The commute to Russia was once additionally Kim’s first overseas commute because the pandemic, all the way through which North Korea imposed tight border controls for greater than 3 years. After many years of hot-and-cold family members, Russia and North Korea have drawn nearer since Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Relations between Russia and North Korea return to the North’s basis in 1948, as Soviet officers put in younger, formidable nationalist Kim Il Sung, Kim’s overdue grandfather, as the rustic’s first ruler. Soviet support shipments have been the most important in protecting North Korea’s financial system afloat for many years sooner than the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the early Nineteen Nineties.

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