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Quiet over the Atlantic and an anticipated lull in daily downpours for South Florida

Quiet over the Atlantic and an anticipated lull in daily downpours for South Florida


As mid-June attracts close to, there’s a “hush” over the Atlantic basin, in half attributable to the presence of the Saharan Air Layer or SAL. This is just not uncommon.

NOAA defines SAL as a “mass of dry, dusty air that originates over the Sahara desert during the late spring, summer and early fall.” This very dry air helps to stabilize the environment, limiting convection throughout the Tropical Atlantic Basin. Thus, the potential for any tropical wave to turn out to be organized is low. This thick layer of Saharan Dust, combined with hostile higher stage wind shear, means the tropics will stay dormant for the week forward.

Wind shear graphic (WPLG)

Saharan Dust can journey from Africa, throughout the Atlantic and even discover its solution to the United Sates. In truth, Saharan mud could also be current over South Florida this week and, maybe, help in “drying out the atmosphere”– ensuing in restricted thunderstorm improvement.

Saharan mud apart, forecast fashions present drier air shifting over South Florida and the Keys this week. Models additionally present a ridge of excessive stress constructing over the japanese United States.


Though this setup means temperatures possible get hotter, it’s a welcome change from the stormy sample that plagued Miami-Dade and Broward counties over the previous week.

Saharan mud graphic (WPLG)

Also notable for southeast Florida is an anticipated shift in the steering move. Last week, steering winds stored daily thunderstorms over metro Miami-Dade & Broward. This week, southeast to easterly steering move ought to shift the focus of storms west of metro areas.

Finally and fortunately, the rain likelihood lowers and waterlogged communities in southeast Florida catch a much-needed break from drenching, flooding downpours.

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