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Previous San Antonio poet laureate weighs in on controversy surrounding current poet

Previous San Antonio poet laureate weighs in on controversy surrounding current poet


SAN ANTONIO – When she first noticed Nephtali De Leon’s poetic tribute to the overdue Dr. Roberto Rodriguez, a revered Chicano creator, Andrea “Vocab” Sanderson concept, “Oh, no, this isn’t going to be good.”

De Leon’s predecessor because the city’s poet laureate stated she noticed that De Leon had used two racial slurs, one about whites and the opposite about African-Americans.

Sanderson stated the poem De Leon had posted on his Facebook page brought about “a visceral and a gut reaction, and for some people, that may have been triggering.”

After seeing feedback, most commonly through Latinos, objecting to the time period and no African-Americans, Sanderson stated, “Let me be the first because I love him.”

Sanderson stated she requested that he express regret and that he edit the poem.

Although De Leon attempted to provide an explanation for the beginning of the phrase prior to it changed into a slur — and that it’s open to interpretation — he spoke back through announcing, “To police our language too closely, is to stifle our spontaneity and to dampen our creativity.”

He additionally gave what he stated used to be a “blanket apology to anyone that may be offended.”

Still, Sanderson stated as the town’s poet laureates, they’re “ambassadors of the literary arts.”

“We have to be above reproach with our words. They have power in every context. Our words have power,” she stated.

As a consequence, Sanderson stated she concurs with the town’s choice to terminate its three-year contract with De Leon after handiest 4 months.

Andrea “Vocab” Sanderson, a former Poet Laureate, recites her poem, “Simply Me.”

Yet there used to be reason why to have a good time all the way through De Leon’s investiture as poet laureate last April.

Mayor Ron Nirenberg stated of De Leon, “As a Chicano writer, artist and activist, Mr. De Leon has worked to expand his storyline, our storyline, making it more inclusive and holistic.”

De Leon spoke about phrases similar to Hispanic, Latino, Chicano, and LatinX.

He stated, “Let us embrace each other and love each other and respect each other — whatever we call ourselves.”

Yet, for now, De Leon stated he’s no longer ready to speak about the rationale he’s now not the town’s latest poet laureate.


San Antonio poet laureate’s contract terminated after arguable poem posted to social media

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