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Plane crash believed to have killed Russian mercenary chief seen as Kremlin’s revenge

Plane crash believed to have killed Russian mercenary chief seen as Kremlin’s revenge


Russian mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin and best officials of his non-public army have been presumed useless in a aircraft crash that used to be broadly seen as an assassination, two months once they staged a mutiny that dented Russian President Vladimir Putin’s authority.

Russia’s civil aviation company stated that Prigozhin and 6 best lieutenants have been on a trade jet that crashed Wednesday, quickly after starting up from Moscow, with a workforce of 3. Rescuers briefly discovered all 10 our bodies, and Russian media cited resources in Prigozhin’s Wagner private military company who showed his dying.

U.S. and different Western officers lengthy anticipated Putin to move after Prigozhin, in spite of promising to drop fees in a deal that ended the June 23-24 mutiny.

“I don’t know for a fact what happened but I’m not surprised,” U.S. President Joe Biden stated. “There’s not much that happens in Russia that Putin’s not behind.”

Prigozhin supporters claimed on pro-Wagner messaging app channels that the aircraft used to be intentionally downed and introduced other theories for a way.

Police cordoned off the sector the place the aircraft crashed as investigators studied the web page. Vehicles have been seen riding in to take the our bodies, reportedly badly charred, for a forensic examination.

At Wagner’s headquarters in St. Petersburg, lighting have been grew to become on within the form of a big go. Prigozhin’s supporters introduced plants to the development in an improvised memorial.

While numerous theories concerning the occasions swirled, maximum observers noticed Prigozhin’s dying as Putin’s punishment for probably the most severe problem to his authority of his 23-year rule.

Tatiana Stanovaya, a senior fellow on the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center, stated on Telegram that “no matter what caused the plane crash, everyone will see it as an act of vengeance and retribution” by means of the Kremlin, and “the Kremlin wouldn’t really stand in the way of that.”

“From Putin’s point of view, as well as the security forces and the military — Prigozhin’s death must be a lesson to any potential followers,” Stanovaya stated in a Telegram post.

In the riot that began on June 23 and lasted lower than 24 hours, Prigozhin’s mercenaries swept in the course of the southern Russian town of Rostov-on-Don and captured the army headquarters there with out firing a shot, earlier than riding to inside of about 200 kilometers (125 miles) of Moscow in what Prigozhin called a “march of justice” to oust the top military leaders who demanded that the mercenaries sign contracts with the Defense Ministry. They downed several military aircraft, killing more than a dozen Russian pilots.

Putin first denounced the rebellion as “treason” and a “stab in the back” and vowed to punish its perpetrators, but hours later made a deal that saw an end to the mutiny in exchange for an amnesty for Prigozhin and his mercenaries and a permission for them to move to Belarus.

Details of the deal have remained murky, but Prigozhin has reportedly shuttled between Moscow, St. Petersburg, Belarus and Africa where his mercenaries have continued their activities despite the rebellion. He was quickly given back truckloads of cash, gold bars and other items that police seized on the day of the rebellion.

Earlier this week, the mercenary chief published his first video since the mutiny, declaring that he was speaking from an undisclosed location in Africa where Wagner is “making Russia even greater on all continents, and Africa even more free.”

Prigozhin’s in a foreign country actions reportedly have irked Russia’s army management, who have sought to substitute Wagner with Russian army team of workers in Africa.

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