Home News Oklahoma Owens takes first girls jr high championship for EPS | Sports

Owens takes first girls jr high championship for EPS | Sports

Owens takes first girls jr high championship for EPS | Sports

With girls wrestling growing in reputation throughout the state and nation, Enid Public Schools now has its first junior high girls state champion in Waller seventh-grader Madison Owens.

Owens went 24-0 with 21 wins vis pin this season and gained the state title within the 96lb. weight class.

“We did really well ” stated junior high coach Steve Bartley. “Our girls got second in the Kingfisher tournament. We had 20 girls this year and several had never wrestled. It shows that if you set up a program and get kids interested you can get a good program set up.”

The win can also be massive for EHS, stated coach Trent Holland.

“Having her win a state championship will start attracting more girls,” Holland stated. ” We had no junior high girls last year. It say a lot about program. Wrestling is growing and expanding for girls in Oklahoma.”

Longfellow seventh-grader JR Gonzales positioned fifth within the 92lb. weight class, Gonzales was 20-4 this season. Seventh-grader Cally Merry from Waller additionally positioned fourth in girls and 82lbs.

Eighth-grader Jerry Venable was eighth within the 88lbs. weight class. Venable was 16-8 this season


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