Home News Oklahoma Oklahoma Dept. of Corrections searches for walkaway inmate

Oklahoma Dept. of Corrections searches for walkaway inmate

Oklahoma Dept. of Corrections searches for walkaway inmate

The Oklahoma Department of Corrections is looking out for an inmate who walked away from an Oklahoma City correctional facility. Authorities introduced that Jesse Tointigh, 22, walked away from the Clara Waters Community Corrections Center round 9 p.m. Sunday. After studying that Tointigh was lacking, ODOC officers alerted police and space hospitals.Tointigh is serving a number of concurrent five-year sentences for false personation, third-degree housebreaking and a felon carrying a firearm out of Custer County.He is 6 toes tall, weighs 175 kilos and has brown hair and brown eyes. Tointigh additionally has tattoos seen on the perimeters of his neck and alongside his collar line.Authorities ask anybody with information about Tointigh’s location to name 911.

The Oklahoma Department of Corrections is looking out for an inmate who walked away from an Oklahoma City correctional facility.

Authorities introduced that Jesse Tointigh, 22, walked away from the Clara Waters Community Corrections Center round 9 p.m. Sunday. After studying that Tointigh was lacking, ODOC officers alerted police and space hospitals.

Tointigh is serving a number of concurrent five-year sentences for false personation, third-degree housebreaking and a felon carrying a firearm out of Custer County.

He is 6 toes tall, weighs 175 kilos and has brown hair and brown eyes. Tointigh additionally has tattoos seen on the perimeters of his neck and alongside his collar line.

Authorities ask anybody with information about Tointigh’s location to name 911.


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