Home News Florida Notre Dame Cathedral will reopen in 2024, five years after fire

Notre Dame Cathedral will reopen in 2024, five years after fire

Notre Dame Cathedral will reopen in 2024, five years after fire


The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is about to reopen to the general public in December 2024, five years after a significant fire broken the landmark in 2019, in line with the Paris Tourist Office official website. The cathedral’s iconic spire collapsed in the blaze, and has been a significant focal point of the reconstruction effort.

Jean-Claude Battarel / EyeEm by the use of Getty Images

“The supervision of the restoration is entrusted to the architect Philippe Villeneuve,” mentioned the Paris Tourist Office, including that “the general principle is to rebuild the cathedral identically, including the spire.”

“The return of the spire in Paris’ sky will in my opinion be the symbol that we are winning the battle of Notre Dame,” Gen. Jean-Louis Georgelin, the military common in price of the recovery venture, informed the Associated Press.

The reconstruction began final yr. A Te Deum hymn rite will happen on April 15, 2024, precisely five years after the fire.

Detail symbol of the stays of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris after the fire destroyed the entire roof in 15 April 2019.

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Notre Dame’s parvis — the general public sq. out of doors the cathedral — has been open to guests since May 2020, as has been the cathedral’s crypt. The footbridge used to be reopened to pedestrians and cyclists in September of final yr.

A unfastened exhibition referred to as “Notre-Dame de Paris: At the heart of the construction site” is opening to guests on Tuesday, and objectives to spotlight the reconstruction.

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