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Nicolas Cage wants to do what he`s never done: Star in a musical

Nicolas Cage wants to do what he`s never done: Star in a musical

Hollywood star Nicolas Cage has starred in a vary of movie genres all through his profession however one factor that he hasn`t finished thus far is star in a musical. The `National Treasure` actor is now speaking about what character he would love to play if he have been in a position to be in a musical, reviews Deadline.

Also Read: WHAT! Nicolas Cage believed he was an alien as a child!

“I haven`t done a musical yet,” he informed Empire journal in an interview. “I`d like to try that. I`m not much of a singer. I did sing okay in Wild At Heart, I thought, but I`ve since blown my voice out singing `Purple Rain` incorrectly in karaoke bars.” As far because the musical Cage would love to take part in, he stated, quoted by Deadline: “I think I`d make a good Pontius Pilate in `Jesus Christ Superstar`.”

As per Deadline, Cage additionally famous that he channelled Elvis Presley including: “I was trying to approximate what it felt like to see Warhol`s marvellous collages of Elvis Presley as a cowboy with a six-shooter. I wanted to see if you could do that with a film performance. Plus, I think if David Lynch could cast anyone in any of his movies he would have wanted to have cast Elvis, so I think he was excited to roll with it when I suggested it.”

Also Read: Nicole Scherzinger to star in `Jesus Christ Superstar`

Jerry Bruckheimer lately teased that he’s engaged on a third instalment of the `National Treasure franchise`. News of the movie got here because the producer was selling the Disney+ spinoff sequence `National Treasure: Edge of History`.

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