Home News Texas Mother of dead inmate files suit after reported fentanyl overdose

Mother of dead inmate files suit after reported fentanyl overdose

Mother of dead inmate files suit after reported fentanyl overdose


The mom of an inmate who died of a fentanyl overdose whilst in prison is now in search of greater than $1 million in damages from worker Aaliyah Lyles and the corporations she labored for, Keefe Commissary Network and Keefe Group, claiming they negligently dispensed the drug to the person that in the end ended in his dying. Cassandra Johnson’s son, Trelynn D’Maun Wormley, died in July 2022 whilst being held in Tarrant County Jail waiting for trial. The suit alleges that the defendants have been conscious of the vulnerabilities of the ones in prison and did not act with a cheap level of care by means of permitting their worker to distribute fentanyl within the prison. The suit additionally states that women and men in prison will have to have the least quantity of alternatives to ingest managed components, whether or not deliberately or by accident, for the reason that prison will have to be safe.

Wormley was once discovered unresponsive in his cellular and was once rushed to the emergency room, the place he was once declared dead. The clinical examiner decided that he died from consuming fentanyl. Lyles was once arrested a month later for reportedly bringing medication into the Tarrant County Jail, together with fentanyl. The suit argues that after Lyles transported and dispensed medicines and illicit medication, she was once performing within the route and scope of her employment with Keefe, which was once intended to oversee, educate, and retain her to correctly perform her tasks within the prison. The fees in opposition to the defendants come with negligence, vicarious legal responsibility, and violation of Texas Health and Safety Code. A Dallas County jury will most likely award greater than $100 million in damages to compensate the circle of relatives for the movements of the defendants.

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