Home News Oklahoma Metro Attorney arrested for offering to pay for sex with a child

Metro Attorney arrested for offering to pay for sex with a child

EL RENO, Okla. (KFOR) – The Canadian County Sheriff’s Office says they arrested metro lawyer Michael Lunday, of Oklahoma City on Thursday after he allegedly drove to a Mustang place of dwelling so as to have sex with a 5 year-old lady.  

Canadian County investigators ascertain they had been contacted Thursday morning by way of a confidential informant (CI) who prompt she have been in conversation with, and was once asked by way of Lunday to organize a meet for sex with an underaged child.  

The CI labored with Sheriff’s investigators and assisted in sporting out a sting operation on Thursday afternoon.  They used a fictitious child as a part of the edge.

Officials say Lunday communicated intimately with the CI by way of textual content messages and call calls about in need of to have sexual family members with an underage lady.

Photo courtesy Canadian County Sheriff’s Office, Michael Lunday

Lunday was once taken into custody on Thursday after he allegedly gave the informant $400.00 to have sex with a five-year previous child.

Investigators with the Canadian County Sheriff’s Office had been in a position to download and execute a seek warrant of Lunday’s place of dwelling on Friday afternoon, the place they seized a choice of digital gadgets, together with an Ipad, computer computer systems and his non-public mobile phone.  

Police officers ascertain that Lunday, is a Oklahoma City based totally lawyer and has been arrested for Lewd Acts with a Child Under 12 and Soliciting Child Prostitution. 
He was once transported to the Canadian County Detention Facility, and his bond was once set at 2 hundred thousand greenbacks.  Investigators are proceeding their investigation to see if there are extra sufferers.  

“This sting operation was carried out in a very professional manner by my investigators, and the confidential informant’s role in Lunday’s arrest was paramount in making the operation a success,” stated Chris West, Canadian County Sheriff.


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