Home News Florida Medicare Social Security Called Essential to FL Seniors / Public News Service

Medicare Social Security Called Essential to FL Seniors / Public News Service

Medicare Social Security Called Essential to FL Seniors / Public News Service


As the midterm elections strategy, Medicare and Social Security are top-of-mind points for Florida seniors.

A recent AARP poll discovered simply 12% of Florida seniors really feel these two applications are distinguished points on the poll field, after rising costs and inflation. But a couple of of the state’s high-ranking elected officers have proven they’re no followers of those applications.

Part of Florida GOP Sen. Rick Scott’s 12-point “Plan to Rescue America” consists of sunsetting federal applications and taxing Social Security checks.

Monique Morrissey, an economist with the Economic Policy Institute, defined why this system is repeatedly on the chopping block.

“Social Security is going to need to be rebalanced,” stated Morrissey. “There hasn’t been an increase in Social Security revenues or anything in over 40 years – and every once in a while, you do need to tweak these programs to put them in balance.”

In this rebalance, Morrissey stated new methods of financing Social Security should be thought of. One choice is to increase the cap on the quantity of wages topic to Social Security taxes, though she stated she finds many Republican policymakers are unwilling to try this.

The Social Security Administration has announced an 8.7% improve in advantages, beginning in 2023.

Morrissey stated misconceptions about Medicare and Social Security have accomplished nothing however gas the hearth amongst teams that went to reduce them. One factor of Scott’s plan would require that Congress write an annual report for what it might do if Medicare and Social Security go bankrupt.

Morrissey stated based mostly on how these applications work, that is not doubtless to occur anytime quickly.

“It’s never going to run out of money, because it’s mostly funded in a ‘pay-as-you-go’ system,” stated Morrissey. “So, this is because the first generation of beneficiaries, during the Depression era, they hadn’t had a chance to pay in. So, it’s always been funded by current workers’ contributions going directly to current retirees, which is no different than a lot of other programs.”

Last 12 months, Florida’s different U.S. senator, Republican Marco Rubio, co-sponsored the Senior Citizens Freedom to Work Act, which might rescind the Social Security Retirement Earning Test. This would permit Social Security recipients who have not reached full retirement age to earn non-public earnings with out shedding advantages.

As inflation hits new highs and costs proceed to rise, Florida seniors will little doubt make their voices heard on the poll field.

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Winter is coming, and meaning slippery street situations are across the bend. In Idaho, a program is providing recommendations on how folks can drive safely in the course of the chilly months. AARP Idaho is providing its driver security program nearly and in particular person.

Steve Moreno is a volunteer driver security teacher who says one of many program’s targets is to present ideas for folks as they age.

“How do we compensate for the fact that we don’t hear, see or react as quickly or as well as we did when we first started driving?,” Moreno requested.

He famous the course is not only for older Idahoans; it’s open to everybody. If somebody has factors on their license which they accrued for violations, they will have up to three eliminated by attending a course. Moreno stated the primary in particular person course in Boise is scheduled for Oct. 24.

Moreno stated winter driving presents a lot of challenges to the particular person behind the wheel. Along with snowy and icy roads, there are fewer daylight. He had some options for what folks ought to have of their automobile to be ready for winter climate emergencies, even when they’re simply driving round city.

“Things like an ice scraper, snow brush, windshield washer fluid that’s designed for cold weather so it doesn’t freeze, a blanket perhaps,” Moreno outlined. “Make sure you got good tires, all of your lights work; headlights, taillights, turn signals, etc.”

Moreno stated one tip he presents, particularly for drivers who’re retired, is to think about ready out the dangerous climate and touring later, somewhat than venturing into probably hazardous situations. He made different suggestions for long-distance journeys, particularly within the West the place there are various locations with out different routes.

“If something happens on the road that you’re traveling on, you may be there for a long time until it’s cleared, and for that reason I would suggest that you do two things.” Moreno stated. “One is to make sure you have a full fuel tank, and the other is to make sure you have an empty bladder before you leave home.”

Disclosure: AARP Idaho contributes to our fund for reporting on Consumer Issues, Energy Policy, Health Issues, and Senior Issues. If you want to to assist help news within the public curiosity, click on right here.

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A nonprofit program helps older adults in Utah and different states to develop new abilities, polish their resumes and discover work.

After a lifetime of working, most individuals retire anticipating to reside a cushty life. But circumstances can change, and folks of their later years might discover they want a job. Even with years of expertise, re-entering the job market generally is a daunting process.

Gina Jones, a senior employment specialist with the Easterseals-Goodwill Senior Community Service Employment Program, stated seniors typically underestimate their worth to a possible employer.

“I promote the participant’s experiences, what they have done and what they want to do,” she stated. “An employer is always open to hearing about these experiences – and what they do with that is up to them.”

The federally funded program offers employment providers for low-income adults older than age 55. People are paid throughout their coaching and, when employed, this system subsidizes their earnings for the primary month on the job.

Jones has firsthand expertise with this system. She stated she began out as a job trainee with the company, and later was invited to be part of the workers.

“I’m very grateful for the program,” she stated. “I was a participant back in 2007, and I was hired then in 2010. I’ve been doing this for a while, and it is a very worthwhile program and a good investment in older people.”

Rod Haubrock, additionally a former participant who joined the workers, stated a part of his job is to have interaction potential employers and educate them concerning the benefits that older staff deliver to a job, equivalent to maturity and expertise. He stated he discovered some are receptive – and others specific doubts.

“‘Why would we hire somebody a year away from retirement when we can hire a 25-year-old and groom them to fit this company, and keep them for 20 years?’ And it’s a hard pill to swallow sometimes, but it’s a reality,” he stated.

To discover out extra concerning the Easterseals-Goodwill program, and the way to make the most of its job coaching and profession providers, you’ll be able to look on-line at esgw.org or name 800-771-2153.

Disclosure: Easterseals contributes to our fund for reporting on Disabilities, Livable Wages/Working Families, Mental Health, Senior Issues. If you want to to assist help news within the public curiosity, click on right here.

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The roughly 2.4 million Ohioans who depend on Social Security earnings are anticipated to get an enormous increase in advantages, however advocates for this system are voicing issues about its future stability, particularly on this political local weather.

The annual Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment or “COLA,” which may very well be introduced any day now, is predicted to be shut to 9% for 2023.

Amid document excessive inflation, stated Norman Wernet, president of the Ohio Alliance for Retired Americans, the rise can be essential to assist older Americans deal with inflation.

“Social Security is there because we need some way to have a life after a life of work,” he stated. “Not every worker has been able to put money back or have a good pension – and actually, pensions have been diminished over the last 30 years.”

However, the Social Security Board of Trustees report continues to forecast a long-term money shortfall that might lead to decreased advantages in 13 years. Some Republicans have floated cutting or sunsetting the program. But Wexner’s group and others are supporting bills in Congress that may increase advantages and increase the cap on the quantity of earnings topic to Social Security tax.

Jon Bauman, president of the advocacy group Social Security Works’ pollitical motion committee, explains that the present wage cap for this system is $147,000, which suggests those that make greater than that do not have cash withheld on the extra earnings. Bauman argued that the cap needs to be lifted.

“A Koch brother or Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos or a random rich person stopped paying at $147,000,” he stated. “So, if they made, like, $50 million that year, they’re paying ‘.0000000000000001%’ in – and how is that fair?”

He famous that the cash within the Social Security Trust Fund comes straight from staff’ wages throughout all their working life, plus their employers’ contributions. One-point-eight-million Ohioans receiving Social Security advantages are age 65 or older.

Disclosure: Social Security Works contributes to our fund for reporting on Budget Policy & Priorities, Health Issues, Senior Issues, Social Justice. If you want to to assist help news within the public curiosity, click on right here.

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