Home News Texas Man wearing wig robs Golden Chick in Orange

Man wearing wig robs Golden Chick in Orange

Man wearing wig robs Golden Chick in Orange


ORANGE, Texas — Police in Orange are investigating after a person in a wig robbed a quick meals eating place in town Monday evening.

Officers had been despatched to the Golden Chick eating place at 1716 sixteenth St. at about 8:45 p.m. after the shop was once robbed in line with police.

The guy was once wearing a lady’s wig when he entered the eating place, in line with police.

He walked as much as the check in, leaned over-the-counter and took cash out of the check in. 

Employees instructed 12News group on the scene that they known him as a former worker.

The case is lately being investigated through the felony investigation department.  

This is a growing tale. We will replace with extra if and once we obtain extra showed information.

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