Home News Oklahoma Macron heads to China for delicate talks on Ukraine, trade

Macron heads to China for delicate talks on Ukraine, trade

Macron heads to China for delicate talks on Ukraine, trade

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron will muster all his diplomatic adeptness and political acumen on a three-day state discuss with to China the place the battle in Ukraine will probably be entrance and heart, together with tricky talks on trade.

Macron is anticipated to warn China in opposition to sending guns to Russia and as a substitute ask that the rustic use its affect to beef up peace efforts.

Beijing claims to dangle a impartial stance within the battle, however has additionally wired its “no-limits friendship” with Russia. China’s President Xi Jinping ultimate month met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

A best French authentic stated that Paris is not anticipating to see a significant shift within the place of China’s, which has refused to criticize Russia for its movements in Ukraine.

But France will push for tasks serving to atypical Ukrainians and for conceivable avenues towards achieving a midway resolution to the battle, the authentic mentioned, talking on situation of anonymity in keeping with the French presidency’s standard practices.

Paris and Beijing might discover a level of convergence following Putin’s fresh announcement that his nation plans to deploy tactical nuclear guns in Belarus. China, with out naming Russia, made transparent its opposition to the deliberate deployment.

Macron may even search to contain China deeper in world discussions on climate-related problems, as issues are getting extra difficult for him at house.

The 45-year-old chief has in fresh weeks confronted sturdy opposition amongst atypical French voters and lawmakers to his plan to lift the criminal retirement age from 62 to 64. A surge of side road protests led to a state discuss with via Britain’s King Charles III having to be postponed.

While Macron is in Beijing, French trade unions on Thursday will level the eleventh spherical of national demonstrations since January.

The discuss with additionally comes amid ever-rising tensions between the U.S. and China, the sector’s two greatest economies.

Trade may also be a significant focal point as Macron has requested European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to sign up for him for a gathering with Xi that is supposed to display European harmony particularly on financial problems. The French president mentioned ultimate month that he took such an initiative as a result of he’s “attached to European coordination.”

Last week, von der Leyen warned the European Union must be prepared to develop measures to protect trade and investment that China might exploit for its own security and military purposes.

China is both the EU’s commercial partner and a rival, Thierry Breton, EU Commissioner for Internal Market, said Monday on French news broadcaster FranceInfo. Breton said the message to Chinese authorities is that they “must stop trying to play one country against another.”

“Of course, China still is an important market for many European companies. But the (EU) internal market is a crucial market to China,” Breton added.

Macron will be accompanied by a delegation of over 50 CEOs including from French energy giant EDF, rail transport manufacturer Alstom and European plane-maker Airbus.

The top French official said negotiations were still being held on a potential deal with Airbus that would come on top of China’s 2019 order for 300 aircraft.

NGOs including the International Federation for Human Rights, International Campaign for Tibet and the Human Rights League have called on Macron to put human rights at the heart of his talks with Chinese authorities.

Macron “must strongly denounce privately but also publicly the repression against Chinese activists and human rights advocates, Hong Kong’s people, Uyghurs and Tibetans,” France’s Human Rights League President Patrick Baudouin said in a statement.

Macron’s office said human rights issues will be mentioned during the visit.

Macron, who last traveled to China in 2019 before the COVID-19 crisis, is to start his trip Wednesday in Beijing with a speech to the French community.

On Thursday, he will have meetings with the head of the National People’s Congress, Zhao Leji, and China’s new No. 2 leader, Premier Li Qiang, in addition to a meeting and a state dinner with Xi in the presence of von der Leyen.

On Friday, Macron will head to the southern Chinese metropolis of Guangzhou, where Xi’s father used to work as provincial governor in the 1980s.

The French president will answer questions there from some of the 1,000 Chinese students at Sun Yat-Sen university. He will then meet Xi again for a private dinner and later meet with Chinese investors.


AP journalist Nicolas Garriga contributed to the tale.


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