Home News Texas Kidnapping suspect impersonated Bowling for Soup drummer before

Kidnapping suspect impersonated Bowling for Soup drummer before

Kidnapping suspect impersonated Bowling for Soup drummer before


A person that Bowling for Soup has accused of utilizing drummer Gary Wiseman’s title to get free meals was the suspect in an Amber Alert out of Colorado on Tuesday night time.

DENTON COUNTY, Texas — Bowling for Soup, a pop-punk sensation the world over, is a proud North Texas band

But, with fame, there can typically come hassle.

In early November, Bowling for Soup lead singer Jaret Reddick posted a video on social media by which he stated he was receiving messages a couple of man within the Denver space who was pretending to be the band’s drummer, Gary Wiseman. 

Fans informed him the person was impersonating Wiseman to get free meals. Reddick, in that first social media publish on the matter, laughed concerning the absurdity of the report.

He wasn’t overly involved. After all, it’s not unusual for celebrities to be impersonated. 

But this week, Reddick stated, the state of affairs escalated.

“This is a whole new level,” he stated. “It’s not funny anymore at all.”

On Tuesday, Westminster Police in Colorado obtained a name a couple of attainable kidnapping. An Amber Alert was despatched out a couple of lacking 13-year-old lady. When the suspect’s images had been posted, it shortly grew to become clear it was the identical man that Reddick believed was pretending to be Wiseman. 

Reddick instantly took to social media again to ask his followers to help find the man he believed to be Wiseman’s impersonator.

Wiseman, a father himself, feared the worst. 

“My stomach just dropped,” Wiseman stated.

Added Reddick: “Just to think, though, that days before this, he was pretending to be Gary — and now he’s wanted.”

The finest end result got here out of this Amber Alert: The lady was discovered secure, and police later arrested the particular person they had been trying for within the kidnapping, a person named Bradford Eblen.

“Let’s hope they keep this guy off the streets for a while,” Reddick stated.

At the time of this writing, nevertheless, the Westminster Police stated they’re nonetheless conducting interviews on the matter and haven’t formally charged the suspect with any crime. For the time being, he is being held on a parole warrant. 

Further investigation will decide if Eblen is concerned in every other circumstances.

As for Wiseman? He stated it is irritating that his title was used to con individuals. But he’s additionally clear to level out that he’s not the sufferer right here. He hopes the story can forestall hazard from occurring to others sooner or later.

“It’s a real-life instance of a conversation to have with your kids or loved ones,” Wiseman stated. “People aren’t always who they say they are, and you’ve got to be aware of your situation.”


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