Home News Texas Jerry hopes Trey Lance can ‘develop for the future’ behind Dak 

Jerry hopes Trey Lance can ‘develop for the future’ behind Dak 

Jerry hopes Trey Lance can ‘develop for the future’ behind Dak 


Speaking of Prescott, Jones is interested by what he can do for Lance transferring ahead as a mentor in the quarterback room.

“[Prescott] is just – in terms of what a quarterback is about – that No. 1 is somebody that the team will follow,” Jones mentioned. “He’s the best I’ve ever seen or heard about. And just to hang out in that company will be a great asset to [Lance].”

The Cowboys have prided themselves these days in being a “draft-and-develop” franchise, and the distinctive alternative to usher in Lance after his restricted revel in may function its personal distinctive extension of that philosophy.

Well, first of all, he got some great reps and some great time with an outstanding coach down in San Francisco,” Jones mentioned. “That’s going to serve him well. Those guys are great coaches and they know what they’re doing. He comes in well-advanced in my mind, where he was when he was drafted.”

“We’ll give him that kind of exposure with our coaches. Main thing is, our quarterback room, with the best leader I ever saw with Dak Prescott, will give him every chance to be the quarterback that he’s got the potential of being.”


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