Home News Florida Israeli diplomat based in Miami says Iran was behind unprecedented attack

Israeli diplomat based in Miami says Iran was behind unprecedented attack

Israeli diplomat based in Miami says Iran was behind unprecedented attack


PEMBROKE PARK, Fla. – An Israeli diplomat mentioned Sunday that Iran was behind the unprecedented attack on Saturday in southern Israel — and no longer the Gazan folks.

Maor Elbaz-Starinsky instructed This Week In South Florida that the dying toll will building up after opponents focused civilians — together with pregnant ladies.

“The Palestinian people are not our enemy, and we are committed to improving their livelihood and social and economic welfare,” the profession diplomat based in Miami mentioned.

Fire and smoke upward thrust following an Israeli airstrike, in Gaza City, Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. (AP Photo/Fatima Shbair) (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Harakat al Muqawama al Islamiyah, higher referred to as Hamas or the Islamic Resistance Movement, has managed the impoverished Gaza enclave since 2007 and took credit for the attack.

“This is a trained and armed army, a proxy of Iran in our region,” mentioned Elbaz-Starinsky, the consulate normal of Israel to Florida, Kansas, Missouri & Puerto Rico.

After the attack, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken instructed newshounds that “Iran and Hamas have a long relationship,” however he mentioned it was too quickly to verify if there was proof of direct involvement. The Pentagon has considered “Iranian-sponsored terrorism” as a rising drawback.

Israel celebrated 75 years of independence in April. With Hamas as a danger, Israel has labored with Egypt to deal with a blockade for roughly 16 years. Elbaz-Starinsky mentioned the war isn’t concerning the blockade or about territory; it’s about values.

Also in April, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, a Muslim jurist who stands in opposition to LGBTQ rights and in give a boost to of the morality police that focused most commonly ladies, delivered a public statement encouraging Hamas to proceed combating in opposition to Israel.

“We are just the front line of Western civilization,” Elbaz-Starinsky mentioned.

Elbaz-Starinsky mentioned Israelis will proceed combating for the precise to exist.

“We fight Iran, we fight Syria, we fight Hezbollah and we fight Hamas … At the end of the day, this is everybody’s fight,” Elbaz-Starinsky mentioned.

The best solution to finish the war, he mentioned, is for Israel to “smash the snakes’ head.” He additionally mentioned he expects the struggle goes to accentuate.

“We are going into a very gruesome time.”

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