Home health food Is a high-protein diet good or harmful for you?

Is a high-protein diet good or harmful for you?

Is a high-protein diet good or harmful for you?

A high protein diet is often recommended for anyone vying for weight loss. Protein consumption seems to have, especially, become a growing trend among the gym aficionados lately. But did you know that excess protein intake can have adverse affects on your health?

During exercise, the body is exposed to strains and stresses. Your body uses amino acids to build and repair your muscles and bones. Protein may be utilised as an energy source, apart from serving a variety of purposes for the body’s upkeep. Bodybuilders increase their protein intake since it also aids in the growth of their muscles. It even helps in weight loss.

What many people tend to ignore, however, is how overconsumption of protein might be harmful.

Health risks of a high-protein diet

Ayurveda and gut health coach Dr Dimple Jangda recently shared some amazing facts about a high-protein diet on her Instagram page.

1. It may overpower your consumption of other nutrients including fiber, carbohydrates and calories. A balanced meal is necessary for overall health.

Keep a check on your protein count. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Consuming too much protein over an extended period of time can put a metabolic strain on your kidneys, liver, and bones and raise your risk for cancer and heart diseases.

3. When your primary protein sources come from animal products, it can cause constipation and cause havoc on your digestive system. Fiber, which is exclusively present in plant-based meals, aids in the movement of everything through your intestines.

Also, read: 5 protein-rich foods you must include in your daily diet for weight loss

4. It may cause you to gain back the weight you have worked so hard to lose by causing food cravings, and a lack of enthusiasm for your morning routine.

5. It may still make your body fatigued because it stresses your kidneys, liver, and bones, making them work harder than necessary.

6. It may result in the formation of kidney stones and moderate dehydration. According to research, non dairy animal protein (meat) had a substantially greater deleterious impact on renal function than did plant and dairy proteins.

7. Carbohydrates fuel your brain and aid in the release of serotonin, the hormone that makes you feel happy. A lack of carbohydrates can seriously impair our mental sharpness, energy, and attention. You may also feel depressed after consuming a high-protein diet. particularly if your protein-to-carb ratio is drastically out of place.

A high-protein diet is not good for your mental well-being. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

8. Protein accumulation in the kidneys results in a significantly more acidic environment, which makes you urinate more. Problems with the liver and bones can also be brought on by increased acid production.

According to a research, participants who followed a high-protein, high-fat, and low-carb diet for a year felt more depressed, anxious, and other unfavourable emotions than those who followed a low-fat, high-carb, moderate-protein diet.

Also, read: 5 things you need to know before going on a high-protein diet

When you focus more on eating protein and fat than healthy carbohydrates, your body needs to adjust and create ketones that smell terrible, like acetone. Hence, it can lead to foul breath.

According to Harvard School of Public Health, getting between 10 and 35 percent of your daily calories from protein is sufficient.

Like for most things in life, excesss of anything can’t be good. The same applies to protein. A balanced diet, comprising all nutrients, is key to good health.

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