Home health food Improve focus and productivity with healthy eating habits!

Improve focus and productivity with healthy eating habits!

Improve focus and productivity with healthy eating habits!

Do you struggle with keeping focus? There is so much information around us that can overwhelm us and affect our attention every day. We might face brain fogging and experience draining of our cognition and brain power. What if we tell you that to have a strong focus, you need to be hydrated and well-nourished? The old adage says, “You are what you eat.” For example, if you eat something unhealthy, you tend to feel sluggish and heavy. Partaking in a healthy diet is the key to increase concentration. You need to abide by healthy eating habits to see your memory, focus, and productivity improve.

Health Shots got in touch with nutritionist Avni Kaul to understand various ways to improve focus and productivity with healthy eating habits. Here’s what she told us.

Eating habits that could improve focus and productivity

Here are some easy-to-follow healthy eating habits shared by the expert.

1. Some planning will take you a long way

The expert suggests preparing a weekly menu to enable you to carry out your grocery shopping in an efficient way. If you are an on-the-go sort of person, you may pack your lunch during the night and store it in the fridge so you can grab it on the way out in the morning.

Create a healthy eating plan to manage diabetes with these tips. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Bid adieu to regular snacking, and switch to healthier alternatives

“Sometimes, it is all about making some tweaks in your everyday diet. You can keep whole-baked pita chips or makhanas handy rather than an oil-saturated potato alternative. You can eat a banana instead of a cookie.” Just try to resist the urge to purchase that aerated drink, and pick a bottle of water or fresh juice instead. She said, “These might seem obvious, but we tend to overlook such details when in a hurry.”

3. Include brain-healthy foods

Avocados top the list of foods that are great for cognitive function, and broccoli aids in keeping your memory sharp. Eggplant gives a boost to communication between brain cells and messenger molecules. You may also dress your salads using extra virgin olive oil, for it has plenty of brain-strengthening properties.

For a high intake of protein, you may consume fish that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which is excellent food for brain health. Relish eggs as well as their yolks, which are rich in choline.

For intermediate snacking, you can eat a lot of brainpower-boosting options. Walnuts, for instance, make a person mentally alert, and almonds are the top energy booster. Dark chocolate regulates blood flow to the brain.

4. Deal with that midday energy fall the right way

Kaul says, “When you crave sweets and commercial snacks, you can opt for a homemade trail mix that could have almonds, raisins, dried figs, or coconut chips. Healthy carbohydrates containing sugar will fill you with energy that will get your creative juices flowing.”

Have almonds when you crave for snacks. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Have frequent meals in small portions

Instead of opting for three heavy meals every day, why not eat smaller meals and munch on healthy foods throughout the day? The rationale behind this is that it keeps blood sugar levels stable because if you keep long gaps between meals, those levels will dip, causing you to become more agitated and irritable.
So, if you end up feeling famished an hour later after a heavy meal, no matter how filling your meal was, make sure to have a constant supply of food fuel. So, keep a box of trail mix or fruit at hand, and eat them to keep those gear from falling.

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