Home Facts Hidden Messages in Company Logos You See All the Time

Hidden Messages in Company Logos You See All the Time

Hidden Messages in Company Logos You See All the Time

What do Apple, Amazon, Baskin Robbins, and Toblerone have in frequent? They have hidden messages in their logos—here is what they’re and what they imply.

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Did you recognize these logos have hidden messages?

As customers, we see firm logos every day. If you cease at 7-Eleven, you see its logo as soon as you pull in. If you make a pit stop at Dunkin’ for coffee, you’ll carry its logo on your coffee cup. Logos are everywhere, but have you ever stopped and really looked at them? There’s more to them than meets the eye.

Turns out, many companies have hidden messages in their logos. Companies like Starbucks, Amazon, and even Goodwill strategically designed their logos to convey subtle messages about things like company values and products. Logos can also try to subconsciously influence buying behavior, which partially explains why so many logos are red. Read on to discover the hidden messages in logos you see all the time.

Courtesy Baskin Robbins

Baskin Robbins

Baskin Robbins is known for its ice cream, but did you know there’s a hidden message in the logo? Look closely, and you’ll see the number 31 in the initials—as in the number of flavors the company began offering in 1953. Why 31 flavors? It’s one for every day of the month, so you can try something new every day. Yum! The company recently unveiled a new logo (its first major refresh since 2006), but don’t worry—you can still spot the 31 in it.

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