Home News Here’s what to expect for the Jan. 6 committee’s future hearings

Here’s what to expect for the Jan. 6 committee’s future hearings

Here’s what to expect for the Jan. 6 committee’s future hearings

WASHINGTON — The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 rebellion at the U.S. Capitol will maintain six extra public hearings this month that includes proof that Trump directed the mob to march on the Capitol and stay testimony from White House workers, rating member Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., mentioned.

Cheney and Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., outlined Thursday night time how they plan to construction the committee’s different hearings that they plan to pack into June.

Thompson mentioned the second listening to, set for Monday, June 13, will “examine the lies” that led individuals to storm the Capitol, “to try to stop the transfer of power.”

Other hearings will study, for instance, Trump’s strain marketing campaign on states to change the election outcomes and the way Trump tried to oust the performing lawyer normal in order that he may use the Department of Justice to unfold his claims of a stolen election.

Cheney mentioned lawmakers will current proof throughout future hearings that demonstrates what motivated the violence, “including directly from those who participated in this attack.” She mentioned the panel will share movies of them, social media posts and what they’ve mentioned in federal courtroom.

Second listening to

The committee is scheduled to maintain its second listening to on Monday at 10 a.m. ET. One witness who’s anticipated to testify is Chris Stirewalt, who beforehand labored as Fox News’ political editor.

Stirewalt has been sharply crucial of his former Fox colleagues’ protection of the election and Trump’s lies about it afterward. Trump and his allies have repeatedly attacked Fox for being the first community to name Arizona for Joe Biden.

While he declined to present particular particulars about his testimony, Stirewalt mentioned on NewsNation Friday, “This is the first time in all of American history, that we really threaten the concept of the peaceful transference of power.”

“Whatever the political interests of the two parties and individuals involved is, our real hope has to be that this is that this will teach us and help us to avoid these problems going forward,” he added.

Cheney mentioned the listening to will revolve round Trump’s effort “to convince huge portions of the U.S. population that fraud had stolen the election from him” regardless of listening to from quite a few advisers that he had misplaced.

Former Attorney General Bill Barr advised the committee, for occasion, that he repeatedly advised Trump that the Department of Justice hadn’t seen any proof of fraud that affected the election. He mentioned he advised the president his claims about Dominion voting machines have been “crazy stuff.”

Ivanka Trump advised the committee she “accepted” Barr’s assertion, saying it affected her perspective about the election.

Third listening to

The committee plans to maintain the third listening to on Wednesday, June 15, at 10 a.m. ET.

Former Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen will testify at this listening to, his lawyer Reginald Brown mentioned in a letter to the committee Friday, which was confirmed by NBC News. Former performing Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue and Steve Engel, former Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, may also seem and testify, Brown mentioned.

This listening to will provide proof about Trump’s unsuccessful plan to oust Rosen and substitute him with one other DOJ official who was extra supportive of Trump’s fraud claims, Jeffrey Clark, in accordance to Cheney. Clark drafted a letter to states that mentioned the division “identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome of the election.”

“In our hearings, you will hear first-hand how the senior leadership of the department threatened to resign, how the White House Counsel threatened to resign, and how they confronted Donald Trump and Jeff Clark in the Oval Office,” Cheney mentioned Thursday.

Fourth listening to

This listening to, which hasn’t been scheduled but, will concentrate on Trump’s efforts to strain Pence “to refuse to count certain electoral votes on Jan. 6,” in accordance to Cheney.

Cheney mentioned the committee will current testimony from Pence’s former normal counsel, Greg Jacob, saying what Trump demanded of Pence “wasn’t just wrong, it was illegal and unconstitutional.”

(*6*) she mentioned Thursday as she previewed the hearings.

The committee will present how Trump pressured Pence each in non-public and public, she mentioned, and can current “evidence of that pressure from multiple witnesses live and on recorded video.”

Fifth listening to

The committee’s fifth listening to will reveal proof about Trump’s plan to strain state legislators and election officers to change election outcomes.

Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his deputy, Gabe Sterling, will publicly testify at the listening to, scheduled for June 21, in accordance to a supply aware of the plans.  

Trump made the notorious January 2021 cellphone name to Raffensperger, directing him to “find” 11,780 votes that didn’t exist.

Raffensperger, Sterling and Frances Watson — Georgia’s former chief elections investigator who Trump additionally referred to as in late December 2020 to strain to discover “dishonesty” — beforehand met with the committee. 

The listening to will concentrate on Trump’s efforts to get states to rescind licensed electoral slates with none foundation, Cheney mentioned.

“You will hear new details about the Trump campaign and other Trump associates’ efforts to instruct Republicans in multiple states to create intentionally false electoral slates, and transmit those slates to Congress and the National Archives, falsely certifying that Trump won states he actually lost,” she mentioned.

Final two June hearings

Cheney mentioned that, in the ultimate June hearings, the committee will study how Trump summoned a violent mob and directed them to “illegally” march on the U.S. Capitol.

She mentioned a pivotal second got here on Dec. 18, 2020, when Trump posted a tweet telling individuals to come to Washington on Jan. 6, saying it “will be wild!” The tweet got here not lengthy after a gathering Trump had at the White House with former Gen. Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani and others who backed his fraud claims and who stayed late into the night that night time.

“You will also hear that President Trump met with that group alone for a period of time before White House lawyers and other staff discovered that the group was there, and rushed to intervene,” Cheney mentioned.

The ultimate listening to, she mentioned, will probably be “a moment-by-moment account of the hourslong attack from more than a half dozen White House staff, both live in the hearing room and via videotaped testimony.”

This contains Trump refusing recommendation from his allies and aides to cease the assault.

“He did not talk to his attorney general. He did not talk to the Department of Homeland Security. Trump gave no order to deploy the National Guard that day and made no effort to work with the Department of Justice to coordinate and deploy law enforcement assets. But Mike Pence did each of those things,” Cheney mentioned.

Cheney mentioned that upcoming hearings will characteristic further testimony about Trump’s statements in the White House that day, together with his alleged approval of rioters shouting “hang Mike Pence,” although it is unclear if that may characteristic in these ultimate hearings.

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