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GOP election losses in Virginia are likely to quiet the presidential speculation about Gov. Youngkin

GOP election losses in Virginia are likely to quiet the presidential speculation about Gov. Youngkin


RICHMOND, Va. – Gov. Glenn Youngkin forged Virginia’s legislative races in huge phrases when he campaigned with a Republican candidate in certainly one of the best districts a couple of days earlier than the election.

The first-term governor with growing national recognition advised a cheering crowd at a historical waterside venue that electorate may just assist construct on the “movement” he began together with his personal victory in 2021 through handing the birthday celebration complete regulate of the statehouse and conserving the “spirit of Virginia” alive.

After Tuesday’s vote casting did not pass as he had was hoping, the rhetoric used to be much less hovering.

“I’m here,” he said at a postmortem news conference. “I’m not going anywhere.”

The retired sheriff with whom Youngkin campaigned did win election to the statehouse, however Democrats retained their Senate majority and flipped the House of Delegates, wins that they mentioned had been powered through their promises to protect abortion rights.

Youngkin, who’s barred through the state charter from working for a 2d consecutive four-year time period, will spend the ultimate two years in workplace working beneath continued divided government. That will restrict his skill to enact his schedule and pressure him to negotiate with the new Democratic legislative majority.

And continual chatter about Youngkin in all probability creating a last-minute access into the 2024 presidential race is predicted now to quiet.

That used to be the first query Youngkin fielded Wednesday at the news conference: What did this imply for a White House run?

“I have answered this question the same way for a long time which is, I am focused on Virginia,” Youngkin spoke back. “I have been in Virginia. My name is not on the ballot in New Hampshire. I have not been in Iowa and in South Carolina.”

Still, the quirks of Virginia legislation be offering no transparent solution about what comes subsequent. Some have speculated Youngkin might run for president in 2028 or in all probability the U.S. Senate.

Billionaire Republican megadonor Thomas Peterffy have been amongst the maximum vocal advocates of a Youngkin run for the White House in 2024 and donated $3 million to the governor’s political motion committee. Peterffy mentioned in an interview earlier than Election Day that Youngkin had given him no indication he would input the race.

“He will not really say, ‘No, absolutely not. Just leave me alone. Forget that.’ He just says ‘I’m 100% focused on Virginia,’ and it is clear to me that if he does not get the Senate in Virginia, then he’s not going to run for president,” said Peterffy, who wasn’t made available for an interview after the election.

In making an eleventh-hour presidential bid, Youngkin would have faced logistical difficulties, ballot access hurdles and a GOP primary electorate that polling shows widely supports former President Donald Trump. Some strategists have speculated Youngkin simply kept his name in the mix to boost fundraising.

“I think the ‘Red Vest Retreat’ was a disaster,” House Democratic chief Don Scott, who’s poised to grow to be the chamber’s speaker, mentioned of Youngkin’s extensively lined campaign-season tournament for most sensible donors. “I think the people saw that as a another way that he was affirming that he was not with them and that he was with his billionaire donors from out of the state of Virginia.”

Proponents of a Youngkin presidential bid saw the wealthy former private equity executive and college basketball player as the type of Republican who could win over both loyal Trump voters and moderates. Speculation about a run began as soon as Youngkin defeated former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

Youngkin’s ability to connect with voters used to be on show at rallies earlier than this yr’s election. They nearly all the time featured a protracted line of supporters lingering to greet him.

Even Scott stated that “voters still like Gov. Youngkin.”

“I think they still want Gov. Youngkin to succeed. But the voters wanted to make sure that he had a check on his worst impulses,” Scott said.

When Virginia lawmakers return to Richmond in January, the Democrats’ narrow majority means Youngkin will need bipartisan support for his legislative priorities. He also may be more inclined to use his veto power, rejecting Democratic initiatives in a way that could boost his popularity with the Republican base.

Scott said Democrats would send Youngkin legislation increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour, banning so-called assault weapons, strengthening red flag laws, which are intended to temporarily remove guns from people with potentially violent behavior and prevent them from hurting themselves or others, and returning Virginia to membership in a bipartisan data-sharing compact designed to fight voter fraud.

Democrats plan to start working on the yearslong process to advance constitutional amendments — previously blocked by the House GOP majority — that would repeal the state’s now-defunct ban on same-sex marriage, take voting rights restoration out of the hands of the governor, and enshrine additional protections for abortion rights.

The new majority will be able to fill vacancies on a powerful regulatory body and a Court of Appeals vacancy that would alter its ideological makeup, said Scott Surovell, a contender for Senate majority leader. He said Youngkin called him to talk about how they could work together.

“He’s going to have to treat us like an equal branch of government now,” Surovell mentioned.

Former Republican Gov. Jim Gilmore, who handled divided executive for a part of his time period in the overdue Nineteen Nineties and early 2000s, mentioned he expects Democrats might be “relentlessly opposed” to Youngkin.

“He’s going to have to define each program and then take it directly to the people over the top of the Democratic leadership. But he’s good at that,” Gilmore mentioned.

After making himself the face of this yr’s crusade cycle and obviously defining good fortune as a GOP trifecta of political regulate, Youngkin is now coping with the fallout.

“CLEARANCE SALE: all ‘Youngkin for President 2024’ merchandise,” tweeted University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato. He has been a critic of the governor for his willingness to campaign with Republicans who deny the legitimacy of Democrat Joe Biden’s win over Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Others have come to Youngkin’s protection, despite the fact that Virginia Republicans are unquestionably in reset mode.

Devin O’Malley, a Republican communications strategist who labored on Youngkin’s crusade and served as a spokesman for former Vice President Mike Pence’s recently ended presidential bid, mentioned the “dancing on Glenn Youngkin’s grave is wholly premature.”

O’Malley said he had not discussed Youngkin’s future political aspirations with him. But O’Malley said that if Youngkin someday pursues a higher office, he will be boosted by a good record, exceptional work ethic, strong communication skills, “oh, and by the way, donors really like him too.”


Associated Press author Michelle L. Price in New York contributed to this file.

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