Home News Georgia Georgia committee probes ways to expand state’s workforce | Georgia

Georgia committee probes ways to expand state’s workforce | Georgia

Georgia committee probes ways to expand state’s workforce | Georgia


(The Center Square) — Georgia has a three.2% unemployment fee and more or less 5.1 million other folks in its workforce, however Peach State firms battle to recruit workers.

And, a looming recession might best briefly ease hiring troubles, testimony on the first assembly of the Senate Study Committee on Expanding Georgia’s Workforce printed.

“We should be in a good position, but when you go to your communities, that’s not what we’re hearing,” Jamal Jessie, a workforce construction supervisor for Georgia Power, instructed the committee. “We’re hearing that we’re having problems filling vacancies, we’re hearing that we’re having challenges [finding] people with skills and … although we have a strong workforce, there’s a lot of opportunities to improve it.”

Jessie pointed to report task advent and a abilities mismatch as two elements contributing to the problem.

Between 2017 and 2021, Georgia added greater than 130,000 jobs. While the choice of task openings fell in April 2020 to one opening for each 4 unemployed Georgians, by way of July 2022, there have been more or less 3 openings for each unemployed individual within the state, Hayley Williams, meantime director of the Georgia Senate Research Office, instructed the committee.

“We are the number one place to do business for nine years; I know we’re all very proud of that,” state Sen. John Albers, R-Roswell, stated all through the listening to. “One problem with being number one is everyone wants to knock us off. So, we have to continue to stay ahead of that, and the workforce, obviously, is a key and critical … component to doing that.”

The Georgia Senate created the committee with the passage of Senate Resolution 275. The crew will dangle a sequence of conferences all over the state and make suggestions for lawmakers to imagine after they reconvene in January.

“We’re seeing that the signs of the current labor shortage are past us to the worst extent,” Steve Jones, director of HR making plans for UPS, stated, including {that a} attainable recession will best briefly ease recruitment retention difficulties. Jones stated he expects hard work shortages to stay till no less than 2030 and in all probability 2040.

“…Wage growth is strong, particularly blue-collar wage growth is stronger than white-collar wage growth at this time, and we’re going to … continue to see that trend here in Georgia and elsewhere because we do not produce enough blue-collar workers in the United States,” Jones added. “Our education systems are designed to get everybody to be college-ready versus career-ready, and I would encourage the committee to look at career-ready employment as well as college-ready education systems.”

This article First seemed in the center square

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