Home News California George Floyd death anniversary: Reckoning with police violence in limbo

George Floyd death anniversary: Reckoning with police violence in limbo

George Floyd death anniversary: Reckoning with police violence in limbo


The homicide of George Floyd by means of Minneapolis police officials and the next protests internationally have been noticed as a catalyst for a countrywide depending on racism in policing. However, primary police reforms have now not but been discovered in spite of repeated requires exchange. Three years after Floyd’s homicide, proponents of federal movements equivalent to banning chokeholds and no-knock warrants, and converting certified immunity protections for regulation enforcement are nonetheless looking ahead to indicators of development. While Minneapolis has made some crucial adjustments, activists say that extra paintings is essential to develop into policing. The George Floyd Justice In Policing Act, which might ban chokeholds and no-knock warrants, create a database of officials with gross misconduct information, and extra, was once handed by means of the House in 2021, however didn’t cross in the Senate. President Joe Biden has known as for significant police reform and has recommended Congress to behave. Meanwhile, George Floyd’s members of the family proceed to recommend for legislative adjustments and discuss out towards police violence. A candlelight vigil might be held in Minneapolis to mark the anniversary of Floyd’s death, with a competition scheduled to have fun adjustments in policing.

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