Home health food Garlic can have side effects for some people

Garlic can have side effects for some people

Garlic can have side effects for some people

Summer or winter, spring or autumn, garlic normally makes it to all Indian household kitchens. We know that just a little bit of garlic in your curry can enhance its flavour. Come winter, most people start suggesting you to have this superfood thanks to its various health benefits. Apart from making garlic paste and adding it in a dish, some even like to eat it raw in the morning. While it is good for most people, there are some people who should avoid eating garlic. Read on to know the harmful effects of garlic on some people.

Garlic is great for immunity, which is why it is recommended during winter. There are many more health benefits of garlic, but not everyone can enjoy them. Health Shots reached out to integrative health coach and nutritionist Neha Ranglani to find out who should avoid eating garlic.

There are people who cannot handle garlic. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Garlic is a big no-no for some people

There are people who cannot handle garlic. Let’s check out what the expert says!

1. People with acidity issues must avoid garlic

For those who have acidity issues, eating garlic can lead to heartburn. So, they should avoid it. It’s even worse when people with acidic issues eat it on an empty stomach.

2. Avoid garlic if you a sensitive stomach

People with weak or sensitive stomach are also part of this list as eating garlic can cause an upset stomach. So, if you don’t want to run to the washroom again and again, it’s best to stay away from garlic.

3. Breath or odour issues

There are some who have breath and body odour issues, so they should not eat it to avoid garlic breath!

4. Don’t over-consume garlic if you’re on blood thinners

Anticoagulants, commonly known as blood thinners, are mostly taken by people with a heart condition or disease. They should also not consume too much garlic because it can add to the blood thinning effect.

Health benefits of garlic

Garlic is not bad or harmful for all. In fact, garlic is great for people who don’t have any major health issues. It improves the immune system, reduces high blood pressure and helps to lower cholesterol levels. Garlic also has antibiotic properties that help to combat infections.

According to Ranglani, garlic can even help to deal with cold, and that’s why it is majorly recommended to be included during winter in your soups and vegetables. She says that even during the chilly season, you are more prone to cold and infections, so that’s when garlic can actually because of its immune-boosting property.

Health benefits of garlic you should know. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock.

Eating raw garlic works wonders

While garlic paste is mostly added in almost every dish, the expert said that in most cases, eating raw garlic is better. You can even mildly sauté it rather than heavily cooking it, because the high temperature can kill the antioxidant compound found in garlic. It is responsible for giving immune-boosting property. So, don’t cook it above 60 degree Celsius, if you want to enjoy the health benefits of garlic.

It is beneficial to many people, but ensure that you don’t include too much of garlic in your diet otherwise you’ll also end up with digestive issues.

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