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Funeral held for Jordan Neely, man placed in fatal chokehold on New York City subway

Funeral held for Jordan Neely, man placed in fatal chokehold on New York City subway


On Friday, mourners amassed to pay their respects to Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old Black man who tragically misplaced his existence right through an altercation on a New York City subway teach. Neely was once placed in a chokehold that proved fatal, ensuing in his premature passing. His suspected assailant, a 24-year-old Marine veteran, has been charged with second-degree manslaughter in connection to Neely’s loss of life.

The funeral for Neely was once a somber instance, as members of the family, buddies, and neighborhood individuals amassed to honor his reminiscence and grieve his loss. The provider was once a poignant reminder of the devastating affect of police brutality and the pressing want for systemic exchange, specifically in the techniques in which communities of colour are handled through regulation enforcement.

Despite the gravity of the instance, the funeral additionally served as an indication of the resilience and energy of the Black neighborhood. In the face of tragedy and injustice, mourners got here in combination to convenience one some other and to honor the reminiscence of Neely, who have been taken from their midst a ways too quickly.

The tragic loss of life of Jordan Neely is a painful reminder of the continued battle for justice and equality in the United States. As we mourn his loss and insist responsibility for the ones accountable, we will have to additionally paintings to create a society this is actually simply and equitable for all its voters, irrespective of race or background.

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