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From prisoner to dog trainer: Man gets second chance with help from former California Governor Jerry Brown

From prisoner to dog trainer: Man gets second chance with help from former California Governor Jerry Brown


Bradley Arrowood’s adventure to personal a a hit provider dog practicing trade began when he was once given a second chance at lifestyles. After spending 25 years in jail, he has been running to redeem himself after former California Governor Jerry Brown commuted his sentence in 2017. 

“There are so many people that come back out or could come back out that educate themselves and they don’t get the same breaks I got,” Arrowood stated.  

Brown, now retired and dwelling on his Northern California ranch, understands the concept that of second probabilities. However, all over his tenure because the youngest governor within the country in 1974, he was once challenging on crime and carried out the state’s first necessary sentencing regulation, which led to the passing of equivalent rules. 

Lenore Anderson, the president of the Alliance for Safety and Justice, advocates for felony justice reform and highlights that California performed a vital function within the tough-on-crime motion. Brown admits that the results of his insurance policies was once an build up within the collection of prisons from 12 to 33, with the collection of incarcerated folks emerging from 25,000 to 170,000. 

This legacy without delay impacted Arrowood when he was once sentenced 10 years after Brown left place of work as governor in 1983 to lifestyles in jail with no chance of parole for killing a person he claimed had an affair with his spouse.  

Arrowood’s sentence actually started to have an effect on him when he learned his daughter was once positioned in foster care. It was once after this that Arrowood stated he discovered his objective. 

“I wanted her not to be ashamed of who I was. I had to be an example, even though there was no chance of me getting out. I wasn’t able to tell her that I wasn’t getting out ever because I didn’t want to destroy any hope that she had,” he stated.  

After turning into a type prisoner, Arrowood was once given a brand new alternative during the jail’s program known as ‘Paws for Life’, which concerned practicing canines to be adoptable and have compatibility for provider. The program first of all aimed to give canines from high-kill shelters a second chance, but it surely additionally had a profound have an effect on at the prisoners. 

“Those dogs gave us back our humanity. It brought emotion back into prison. To come back out here. If it hadn’t been for that, the dogs, I wouldn’t have been able to function,” he stated. 

In 2010, Jerry Brown was once elected governor for a second time, and by means of then, he had a metamorphosis of middle in regards to the heavy sentencing rules he as soon as championed as a tender governor. However, it was once now not simply his sense of right and wrong that led to this alteration, but additionally the federal courts, which had ordered California to scale back the overpopulation in its prisons. Without this nudge, it could were difficult for the state to accomplish up to it did. At that point, California’s overcrowded prisons integrated round 4,000 inmates, together with Arrowood, who had no chance of parole. 

The warden extremely valued the dog practicing program, and he really useful to the governor, the one particular person with the facility to go back and forth an inmate’s sentence, that Arrowood’s case be reviewed. Although Brown didn’t unfastened Arrowood without delay, he introduced him the chance to turn out himself to the board. In 2018, when Arrowood gave the impression sooner than the parole board after serving 25 years in jail, the Los Angeles District Attorney objected to his unlock, bringing up his “especially heinous” offense and historical past of drug abuse, which made him an “unreasonable risk.” Despite those objections, the parole board unanimously agreed to unlock Arrowood, noting that he had a just right background to prevail at the outdoor. 

When Brown and Arrowood met, Arrowood shared that he had long past to a transition house to readjust to lifestyles after 25 years in jail. He then attended California State University, Los Angeles as a full-time pupil and graduated with a bachelor’s level in organizational and implemented communications. He additionally were given married to a lady he had identified since they have been 8 years outdated and began his personal dog-training trade. 

Brown requested for his ideas on what will have to be finished with the prisons.  

 “I think we need to kind of go back a step. To where it used to be that people get a chance to earn their way out, not necessarily just get let out without any skills, are being able to move on and go right back to what they knew before,” Arrowood stated. 

Before they left, there was once some other alternative for conduct correction, however this time it was once for the governor’s personal dog. Brown instructed that they educate the dog, to which Arrowood optimistically replied that he may paintings “wonders in just a couple of weeks.” 


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